Search Result for “university”

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Twice the Magic, Twice the Madness

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 06/01/2017

» Tada Piriyanupong, 26, is a Thai business arts major at ABAC who has lived most of his life in Dubai. Charles-Alexis Guenard, also studying at ABAC but in the faculty of communication arts, is a half-Thai and half-French 20-year-old who was born in France. Together, they form a charismatic magic duo known as "Charles The French and Tada" who perform all over the country in major hotels, shopping venues and occasionally on television. We had a chat with the pair and it was everything one could hope for in an interview — reeking with personality.



When Thai people gather

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 04/11/2016

» This country may have a reputation for indifference, but there have been a few instances in recent memory which we can also be a population of the least chill. Because when it comes to matters of the heart -- our hearts -- we'll waste no time getting to the epicentre of what matters most, demonstrating this incredible and insuppressible passion. This week, we'd like to remember, through photographs, a few major occasions in which our love for something brought us together, physically, in one space.



Your Birkin's in good hands

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 16/09/2016

» Luxury bag owners and collectors will know too well the necessity of taking your Louis's and Chanels to "the spa" for a touch up, if not total repair. But do you recall that five years ago in Thailand, such service was virtually unheard of? You have Ranathon Pollachart to thank for establishing Thailand's first luxury bag spa, MyBagSpa. Now with five successful branches nationwide, we catch up with Ms Ranathon to learn about what's she's up to now, as well as receive a few tips and trends about designer bags from the stylish entrepreneur.



Guru university

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 22/07/2016

» Sadly, many of you will agree that little of what you learned during your school years is actually proving useful to you at this very moment in your adult life -- especially if you were schooled here. That got us thinking. We’re the experts on practical life in this city. Shouldn’t we be the ones to say what needs to be taught in school, so that future Bangkokian grown-ups can have the savvy start us alumni weren’t privileged enough to have?



Thailand the Avant Garde Capital

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 10/06/2016

» Ten reasons why Thailand is the haute-est fashion hub.



The music man

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 08/01/2016

» When Thawan Rongkapan started university, he was set on a future in automotive engineering. But halfway through his studies, a momentary reflection on his longtime love for music education convinced him to leave engineering behind. The 27-year-old music teacher now holds special music classes for toddlers at several venues in the city, including the Eurhythmics Centre by Nillawana and Alliance Francaise de Bangkok, where he teaches eurhythmics in English and French. Guru has a chat with happy-go-lucky children's maestro.



Graduation checklist

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 02/10/2015

» There's one part of higher education in Thailand we can confidently say is more impressive and challenging than that of any other country -- our graduation ceremonies. It's every Thai parent's dream to see their grown kids suffer through at least two full days -- dress rehearsal and the actual commencement -- of outdoor photo shoots while dressed in elaborate uniforms, plus the gown, props and an inhuman amount of make-up and hairspray. Did I mention that we're in a tropical country where it is pretty much the scorching summer year-round?!



Taco the town   

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 18/09/2015

» It was a simple prompt from a friend -- "You should open a store" -- that spurred university friends Tee, Sand and Coach to set up Tacos Factory, Bangkok's newest Mexican food stand.



Little miss Ink

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 11/09/2015

» Tuangporn "Pla" Rungruang, or "Miss Ink", as she's known in the industry, has been professionally inking people's skin in Bangkok for three years. Her co-workers at Six Fathoms Deep tattoo parlour, on Pan Road in Silom, describe her as "a popular girl", and it's not hard to see why. Her personality — a combination of bold style and sweet disposition — much like the work she does, naturally stands out. Guru couldn't miss out on a chance to visit the charming artist at her workplace, for a chat about her experience in what is still considered in Thailand to be a taboo occupation.



Alias: Billbilly01

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 21/08/2015

» His YouTube channel has over 150,000 subscribers. He has recorded cover songs with accomplished artists such as Image and Violette from The Voice Thailand. Altogether, his videos have been viewed nearly 30 million times. But he’s only aged 20, and still studying film and photography at Chulalongkorn University. Guru sits down with Nutdanai Chuchat, known as Billy to his friends — BILLbilly01 to his online followers — to discover how he has made a name for himself on YouTube.