Search Result for “tourism”

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Huai hong khrai centre gains prominence

Business, Imtiaz Muqbil, Published on 07/05/2012

» The sufficiency economy concept gained further prominence on the global tourism development agenda last week with a visit to the Huai Hong Khrai Royal Development Centre being included on the technical-tour programme of a regional UN World Tourism Organisation conference .


'Shock absorber' in our backyards

Business, Imtiaz Muqbil, Published on 30/04/2012

» If foreign tourism has been hit by repeated "external shocks" over the last decade, domestic tourism has become a "shock absorber" to help cushion the impact, according to a landmark study to be released this week.


How SMEs stand on world's tourism map

Business, Imtiaz Muqbil, Published on 23/04/2012

» The importance of small and medium-sized enterprises to the Thai tourism industry is cited in a report issued by the Paris-based Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development on April 19. The reference is the only one to "tourism" in the entire report, Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2012 - An OECD Scoreboard.


Women on the move

Business, Imtiaz Muqbil, Published on 18/04/2012

» Web In Travel, a leading regional conference on travel distribution, marketing and technology, will hold its first WITX-Women In Travel conference on April 27 at the Dusit Thani hotel in Bangkok.


Lifting the Barriers to cross-border movement

Business, Imtiaz Muqbil, Published on 19/03/2012

» The International Road Transport Union (IRU) has urged Asia-Pacific governments to remove bottlenecks hindering the cross-border movement of people and products across continents, saying it will create billions of dollars in new wealth, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises and the less-developed rural areas.


Iran sanctions Unfair to Thai businesses

Business, Imtiaz Muqbil, Published on 05/03/2012

» The chairman of the Thai Iranian Business Council has called on the Thai government and the many Thai economic, social, educational and cultural organisations to do an objective evaluation of their future relations with the Islamic world in order to take advantage of the many positive opportunities that await.


ILO launches 'Toolkit' to ease tourism industry's woes

Business, Imtiaz Muqbil, Published on 27/02/2012

» The International Labour Organisation has released a comprehensive training toolkit to promote decent work in the tourism industry and contribute to poverty reduction via the promotion of jobs in rural areas.


For malaysia, The destination is south asia

Business, Imtiaz Muqbil, Published on 20/02/2012

» Malaysia is seeking to reverse a stagnation in visitor arrivals from South Asia with a rapid-fire marketing and promotional tour through five primary and secondary cities of India and Pakistan, its first overseas roadshow of 2102.


As tourism booms, An Old 'Crisis may resurface

Business, Imtiaz Muqbil, Published on 13/02/2012

» As Thailand's tourism industry gets set to soar again, a regional meeting on the global AIDS pandemic organised here last week has refocused attention on a rarely discussed subject: the extent to which Thailand's nightlife and entertainment industry contributes to the global spread of HIV/AIDS.


Indian travel and leisure companies start knocking on thailand's door

Business, Imtiaz Muqbil, Published on 06/02/2012

» More Indian companies are set to open shop in Thailand to explore business opportunities here and across the Asean region in the wake of the wide-ranging economic, cultural and educational agreements signed between the two countries last month. That will pave the way for a boom in Indian leisure and business travel, convention and exhibition delegates and VFR travel to, from and within the India-Asean circuit.