Search Result for “tickets”

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A sonic bang for your bucks

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 18/08/2013

» Among the stars arriving for Bangkok's inaugural Sonic Bang festival on Saturday is one band that is no stranger to Southeast Asia. Frequent visitors to the region, Placebo have brought their reflective, gender-twisting or drug-exploring lyrics, their androgynous look, their dark, melodic instrumentals around the world, and now to Bangkok for the third time.



Victor victorious in putting world film fest on the map

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 18/11/2012

» It has been a busy year for Kriengsak "Victor" Silakong. Fresh from directing the 19-show run of the successful Reya: The Musical, he now has to make sure a 10-day film festival comprising 84 films from around the world _ as well as surrounding functions, visits by international guests and pageantry _ goes off without a hitch.



Yen and the art of travelling on the cheap

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 02/09/2012

» There is a sign on the door of the Capsule Inn Tajima near Ueno Station in Tokyo discouraging tattooed patrons from making use of the baths or overnight capsules. This is aimed at Yakuza, organised crime figures, who once had leverage over urban businesses but whose influence has waned somewhat in recent years, even in the entertainment districts where they used to thrive.


Going deep into the waterways of life

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 01/07/2012

» Visitors to Bangkok 100 years ago described a city of tree-lined canals and floating markets, of languid ferry drivers taking people around town. In a modern age of choking traffic, concrete high-rises and hectic urban life, such images of the past are still layered with nostalgia.


An open invite to access all arias

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 20/05/2012

» Interminable arias, incomprehensible stories, deadly boredom _ these are some of the apprehensions people might have when approaching opera, says Anette Pollner, director of Who Is Afraid of the Opera?, a new Bangkok Music Society production.


Flamenco guitar heroes bring 12 strings to fiesta

News, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 05/02/2012

» The individual styles of the guitar duo complement each other. Rafael Rodriguez plays classical flamenco. Daniel Lopez Vicente, or Dani de Moron, fuses modern flamenco with Brazilian and jazz influences. In their solos the difference is apparent; when they play together the combination creates a rich and resonant sound.