Search Result for “thai sex”

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Oscar's Asian face

Muse, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 03/03/2018

» It's the most glamorous event in the film industry. The annual Academy Awards ceremony is right around the corner, officially slated to take place on Monday morning Thai time. With so many quality films being nominated -- and the inevitable drama that unfolds with acceptance speeches every year -- this year's Academy Awards is shaping up to be an exciting one.


Deconstructing teenage obsessions

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 16/02/2018

» Much like AKB48 before them in Japan, the girls of BNK48 are shaping up to be nothing short of a phenomenon in Thailand. With thousands of worshipping fans across the country, BNK48 has created an entire culture around itself in just the short time it has been active, becoming bona fide idols in the collective Thai consciousness.



Life, death and rebirth

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 21/09/2017

» As any honest Thai person can tell you, Bangkok is a city of dualities. Walk down one street and you'll find the most serene parks, bombastic high-rises and venerable temples. Turn down the wrong soi, however, and you're suddenly in a seedy alleyway filled with drugs, alcohol and questionable "massage parlours".



What's trending and happening this week

Muse, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 28/01/2017

» 1. It is an unfortunate fact that in the real world it is often the good guys are at a disadvantage. To commemorate and honour the humanitarians and environmentalists who gave up their lives protecting the rights and environment of their local communities, the Bangkok Arts and Cultural Center (BACC) will host the For Those Who Die Trying exhibition, featuring photographs showcasing 59 human rights and environment activists who have been murdered or abducted over the last 12 years. The exhibition will begin on Jan 31 and will continue until Feb 5. On opening day at 10am, a documentary about the photographs made by human rights activist Luke Duggleby will be screened and the 90s String Quartet will perform.



The journey of parenthood

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 04/12/2015

» Released just in time for Father's Day here in Thailand, Baby Steps is the directorial debut of Barney Cheng, the Taiwanese-American actor who once starred in Woody Allen's 2002 film Hollywood Ending, and is also produced by Hsu-Li Kong, the Oscar award-winning producer from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. The film received the Tribeca Film Institute All Access production grant in 2014, and was also further funded by the Taiwan Ministry of Culture as well as the City of Taipei.



Beating addiction

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 24/08/2015

» Since 2010, The Cabin -- a rehabilitation centre for people with addictions -- has opened its doors in the Northern province of Chiang Mai to patients, especially foreigners, to come for in-patient treatment.