Search Result for “temple”

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The message of the medium

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 28/08/2019

» When the chipmunks Chip and Dale sailed into the bustling floating market in the recent viral Disney short Our Floating Dreams, both the world and local people were fascinated by the images of Thai culture. Busy canals and pineapple fried rice brought about onscreen exoticism watched by millions around the world.



Dan Brown with a Thai voice

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 05/03/2018

» The Thai award-winning detective novel Kaholmahoratuek is that rare breed: a page-turner set in the 1940s that mixes poetry, history, murder and revenge. The book's appeal also lies with the writer's use of genre elements -- serial murders, cryptic clues and detective work -- in the vintage setting of old Bangkok where century-old temples, back alleys and local communities become grisly crime scenes.



Let there be light

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 27/02/2018

» Outdoor cinema, or nang klang plaeng, rose and fell and has risen again, its popularity reflecting the changes in technology and taste of Thai viewers. Once suffering due to home entertainment and the spread of multiplexes into rural areas, outdoor cinema, having found a footing, has made a surprising comeback.



An explosion of emotion

Muse, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 28/10/2017

» When the news broke on Oct 13 last year that the much beloved King Bhumibol had died, the nation was in for the biggest heartbreak of our generation. People reacted with feverish emotion, with some bursting into tears and others beginning to pray. But National Artist Prof Emeritus Preecha Thaothong grabbed his brush and poured his grief onto canvas. He spent that entire night painting and, the next morning, ended up with a portrait of the revered monarch.



A right to know?

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 25/09/2017

» In Bangkok, a form recently surfaced at a hotel in Nana, and it has gone viral. It tells guests to be aware that "the person" -- an allusion to a prostitute -- they are bringing to the room could be a "ladyboy".



Laos turns up a winner

Muse, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 29/04/2017

» Stepping off of the red carpet, the gorgeous Lao star Vilouna Phetmany -- known by her stage name Tot Lina -- began to greet us in perfect Thai. On Wednesday, she attended the gala opening of the Bangkok Asean Film Festival, shining among the regional superstars. Tomorrow the festival will screen the film she stars in, a new-wave Lao horror called Nong Hak, before it goes into general release on May 18.



The burden of giving

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 26/10/2016

» For someone who's been living and working near the Giant Swing of Bangkok for 15 years, Prajin* -- a middle-aged restaurant worker -- said he has never seen his neighbourhood in such a messy state.



Pleasure at the fairground

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 24/11/2015

» Forget hazardous flying lanterns of the North. This Loy Krathong Festival, make your way to the old-school ngan wat, or temple fair, and while many temples around the country have put up fairgrounds to celebrate the Full Moon night of the 12th lunar month, none can beat Bangkok's oldest and most legendary ngan wat Phu Khao Thong.



The new Brahmins

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 12/10/2015

» A man dressed in white blew into a conch as if it were a horn. Joss sticks were burning. Heads bowed but people's lips were praying. A screenplay on a golden tray was engulfed in a cloud of white smoke. Surrounding the tray was a feast which included a pig's head, Thai golden desserts, fruit, boiled eggs and seafood.