Search Result for “temple”

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Native tongue twisters

Andrew Biggs, Published on 02/05/2010

» All around my Los Angeles neighbourhood are hand-written signs tacked onto lofty palm trees: ``ACCENT ELIMINATION''. The two words are followed by a local telephone number, which to my surprise doesn't begin with 555. Accent Elimination _ how intriguing.



A man and his Motor Mouse

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 14/03/2010

» Imagine my surprise last week when a mouse stuck its head out of my car air-conditioner. It was late at night in the car park of Channel 3. It seems this little mouse had made a home in my car for more than a few days, which would explain the scuffling and shuffling heard on and off by yours truly this past week. Thank goodness it was a mouse and not the onset of schizophrenia.


My favourite Valentine's day

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 14/02/2010

» Valentine's Day is special for me - I first came to Thailand on that day in 1989. But there was another Valentine's Day in Thailand that turned out to be the most memorable in my life. It is not the most "sanook" story I have, but I am going to tell it to you anyway.


A very weighty matter

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 24/01/2010

» I caught my dear friend Evil Neil going through his New Year's presents last week as I paid him a visit in his office.