Search Result for “suicide attack”

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Sexual harassment: The dark side of Songkran

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 11/04/2018

» The wet and wild water fest of Songkran is set to begin nationwide tomorrow and lasts until Monday. Alcohol consumption, road accidents and even indecent twerking are issues that have been addressed by authorities. This year, sexual harassment is another pressing concern that is finally being addressed.



Bringing peace home

Spectrum, Published on 04/03/2018

» Around one year after Harong Maeroh, a 43-year-old Thai Muslim, reached out to Bring People Home, a project helping people accused of promoting insurgency from the deep South reintegrate into society, he says his life has "definitely changed" for the better.



The rise and fall of the Islamic State group

Associated Press, Published on 17/10/2017

» BEIRUT: The Islamic State group, responsible for some of the worst atrocities perpetrated against civilians in recent history, appears on the verge of collapse.



As girlfriend returns to US, Vegas gunman's profile emerges

Associated Press, Published on 04/10/2017

» LAS VEGAS: The Las Vegas gunman's girlfriend, back in the United States after a weeks-long trip abroad, will be at the centre of the investigation into the shooting deaths of 59 people as authorities try to determine why a man with no known record of violence or crime would open fire on a concert crowd from a high-rise hotel.



ANALYSIS: Britain votes on Thursday

Published on 08/06/2017

» NORWICH/LONDON - On the eve of an election Prime Minister Theresa May returned to her core message that only she can deliver a good Brexit deal, moving on from a heated national debate over security after two deadly Islamist attacks.



Close to home: Big C blasts unsettle lives and security

Spectrum, Chaiyot Yongcharoenchai, Published on 28/05/2017

» It was going to be a fun afternoon for Nurshafiqa Surorayo, a four-year-old Pattani girl reuniting with her uncle Abdul. After several months of working in Malaysia, he was returning to Pattani to see family. He decided to take his niece and nephew out for lunch followed by a trip to the only shopping mall in town, Big C, for ice cream.



In Indonesia and Philippines, militants find a common bond

New York Times, Published on 27/05/2017

» An eruption of violence in the southern Philippines and suicide bombings in Indonesia this week highlight the growing threat posed by militant backers of the Islamic State in Southeast Asia.



A long way from home

Spectrum, Jeerawat Na Thalang, Published on 11/12/2016

» Mohammad, a teenage refugee, barely escaped becoming a child soldier in Somalia three years ago. "They [the militants] wanted to take me and use me as a child soldier but my grandmother refused to let me join them," the 16-year-old recalled of the incident in Mogadishu, the capital city where Mohammad, who uses an alias, was born and raised.



What happened to my dead brother?

Spectrum, Published on 27/11/2016

» James Hughes was found dead in a Hua Hin hotel room on Sept 6 after having disappeared on Aug 5. He was 58 and his cause of death was given as "circulatory failure". But when brother David Hughes received an autopsy report a month later, he was convinced that something major was being covered up.


Invisible scars may never heal

Spectrum, Jeerawat Na Thalang, Published on 14/08/2016

» The final episode of hit TV show Wai Sab Saraek Kad created a buzz -- not only among fans of the drama series but also among teenage netizens -- for touching on a controversial topic.