Search Result for “submarines”

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The partisans

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 10/11/2017

» Before setting out on his war of conquest, the Fuhrer laid down his rules to his erstwhile ally. Whichever land II Duce defeated was Italy's alone. The lands Adolf took were solely Germany's. Albania fell and Italy took full possession. It also got the small piece of southern France it took while the Third Reich got the rest.



Jack the lad

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 16/09/2016

» It is common practice that when a popular author passes away, his estate seeks a replacement to step into his shoes. The new man is expected to emulate the original style to the extent possible. If notes have been left for future plots, so much the better.



Hey presto

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 15/02/2016

» In every category there's a person or group recognised as the best in their field of endeavour. Not all people agree with the judges' choice. Arguments invariably ensue over, "This award or prize goes to …..", "Are they blind or deaf? W, Y, Z was better than X by a long shot."



Too good to be true

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 01/02/2016

» Yank oceanographer Clive Cussler, on his own and with co-authors, has been penning adventure stories for decades -- all about the sea, and dry land to an extent. In his own boat, the author employs old maps to search for centuries-sunk ships. He's not a treasure-hunter, handing over the doubloons and other items he stumbles across to the proper authorities.



More old hat

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 14/09/2015

» Together with their military, British boffins played a major role in defeating their Teutonic foes. Their whizz kids -- scientists, academic -- came up with radar and opened up the Enigma machine. (During World War I they invented the tank.) Hitler's boast of winning the war with secret weapons was played down.