Search Result for “students”

Showing 11 - 20 of 23


Opening the mind

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 29/06/2010

» A new idea is the product of both "creativity" and "critical thinking". The two concepts are inextricably intertwined. If any one of these ingredients is applied in isolation, an idea may be created, but it perhaps would remain unworkable.


Marshmallow effect

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 15/06/2010

» While it does not always provide specific tools to improve one's life, psychology does help to create and increase awareness of factors that cultivate an effective and broad range of habits, attitudes and perspectives. Incorporating reputable psychological findings into your lesson plans can help you become a more effective teacher.


Emotional skills key, not IQ

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 01/06/2010

» Intelligence quotient alone is not enough to serve as the foundation for all-round happiness. Indeed, psychologists have firmly established that neither does IQ alone account for one's life success. Research data in this area is so strong that it is now empirically accepted that cognitive development should no longer be the singular aim of schools.



Constructing a good test

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 18/05/2010

» For most international schools, exams are now just around the corner. Teachers and administrators spend a significant amount of time constructing, putting together and analysing test papers. For some others, the exercise is not as daunting because they rely on question banks from textbooks and/or past test papers.



Get into 'the zone'

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 04/05/2010

» Creativity flourishes in a non-threatening environment that is characterised by high levels of positive emotional experiences and responses. But happiness is not the only ingredient to consider when we think about redesigning schools to cater to the needs of a new, more challenging future, where fluidity in thinking and learning define success.


Real-time feedback

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 06/04/2010

» One of the major weaknesses of teaching is often the lack of time during instruction to effectively check how well students are learning the lesson being taught. Hence, a teacher could teach a lesson for a full period and not know how much learning had taken place.


More than meets the eye

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 09/03/2010

» One may express amusement at the thought of the existence of a true correlation between physical appearance and/or demeanour and a student's academic achievement. While it lacks sufficient empirical evidence, the claim may hold some truth. Good-looking students do perform better at school, and conversely, students who underperform are often untidy and "poorly maintained".


Uncovering psychological mysteries

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 23/02/2010

» While students of psychology and education have the privilege of hindsight through exposure to all major personality theories propagated by different schools of psychology - and thus the opportunity to take a more eclectic view of human behaviour, emotion and cognition - psychologists themselves use an exclusivist approach to studying the subject. One may get the impression that they do not see eye to eye and that each of them is eager to advocate his or her own narrow view and understanding of personality.


Adding value to values

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 09/02/2010

» One of the major purposes of schools as a social institution is to teach and perpetuate human values. Good values are key to communal solidarity and harmonious living among people.



Right choice of words

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 26/01/2010

» Humans naturally crave compliments. No one likes it when others pass nasty remarks about him or her. On the most miserable day, one yearns to hear a friendly remark. Words are a powerful tool that teachers should use to elevate the classroom climate, making it more conducive to learning. In contrast, non-complimentary words can negatively affect the learning environment and students' emotional well-being.