Search Result for “students”

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The University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Published on 10/03/2010

» The University of New South Wales (UNSW) is Australia’s first international university attracting outstanding scholars and students from around the world. UNSW was established in 1949 and has been receiving international students since 1951. Currently, of the 52,000 students studying at UNSW, more than 14,000 are international students from 130 countries.


Education in high gear

Learningpost, Purich Trivitayakhun, Published on 09/03/2010

» Recently, Chanarong Luckshaniyanavin, president of the Pasanusorn group of schools (Pasanusornbangkae School and Pasanu-sornbangkae Commercial School), suggested that technology and cutting-edge teaching methodologies will improve students' learning curves.



Education for All, with love

Learningpost, Abigail Cuales Lanceta, Published on 09/03/2010

» Education chiefs of Southeast Asia meet to renew bonds and the commitment to provide education for all.



Benefits of teaching grammar

Learningpost, Timothy Cornwall, PHD, DTM, Published on 09/03/2010

» I teach based on how I like to be taught. First, I want teachers to use the target language at all times. Next, I want to have extensive listening practice, as this is the skill I need most. Finally, I want to know the tools - the grammar - of the target language.


That will do nicely, sir

Learningpost, Steve Graham, Published on 09/03/2010

» Not a month goes by without another education bribery or corruption story hitting the presses. Graft in education is not new, and it is prevalent in many countries, not just in Thailand. By putting several stories together, I can see how attractive it must be for unscrupulous educators.


Thammasat optimises proactive education

Learningpost, Purich Trivitayakhun, Published on 09/03/2010

» Recently, over 1,600 students packed the ground floor of the Social Science Complex in the Rangsit campus of Thammasat University (TU). The students put up posters that described projects that they had designed on their own to help eliminate problems in Thai society. The posters were on display.


Intelligent bicycle

Learningpost, Purich Trivitayakhun, Published on 09/03/2010

» Following the success of last year's Thailand Intelligent Vehicle Challenge, in which university students competed in constructing and racing unmanned four-wheeled vehicles, this year Seagate Technology (Thailand) Ltd (Seagate), in collaboration with the Thai Robotics Society (TRS) and the Department of Mechatronics, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), is inviting students to compete in the inaugural BicyRobo Thailand Championship 2010 (BTC).


More than meets the eye

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 09/03/2010

» One may express amusement at the thought of the existence of a true correlation between physical appearance and/or demeanour and a student's academic achievement. While it lacks sufficient empirical evidence, the claim may hold some truth. Good-looking students do perform better at school, and conversely, students who underperform are often untidy and "poorly maintained".


Coping with the crisis

Learningpost, Published on 09/03/2010

» Since the onslaught of the global financial crisis in 2008, all areas of human development, including education, have been struggling to mitigate its impact.



A testing time for students

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 07/03/2010

» Many years ago I ran an English public speaking contest for Thai high schoolers. Students wishing to compete had to send in cassette tapes of their three-minute speeches to the magazine where I was editor, so we could choose the best 10 for competition day. Dozens and dozens of tapes came rolling in, and so one Monday we set aside the entire day to listen to them.