Search Result for “students”

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The power of pride

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 31/10/2013

» Ihave just returned from my second visit to Taipei, a beautiful city with a lot to offer. Famed for its modernity, vibrant street life and political passion, Taipei holds another significance that not many Thais know about _ it is home to Asia's largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parade.



Taking centre stage

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 29/08/2013

» It is a fact: Thai transgender women are among the most beautiful in the world. Compared to many countries, Thailand is open-minded about transgender people where there are places for them to stand proud, especially in the entertainment industry.



Steel yourself

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 27/06/2013

» At first, I was afraid. I was petrified. No, I'm not singing Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive. I'm merely thinking of the scene in Man Of Steel, with the young Clark Kent hiding his true self in the classroom.



Shifting agenda

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 04/04/2013

» The phenomenon of Facebook users changing their profile pictures to a red equal sign last week might have left some people puzzled, but it has a simple enough explanation. The picture that went viral was derived from the Human Rights Campaign's symbol for equality, which is being used in support of two cases concerning same-sex marriage now before the US Supreme Court.



Triumph in adversity

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 13/02/2013

» Klao Rojanamethakul was 10 years old when he had to quit school. With seven siblings to look after, his parents couldn't afford all their children full access to complete basic education. Young Klao decided to follow his father _ a well-known master of nang talung shadow puppetry native to south Thailand _ to such performances in the region.



Razor's edge

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 18/01/2013

» Everything about a barbershop is nostalgic: the buzzing-bee sound of a clipper, the fragrant scent of talcum, the cut-throat razor and rotating chair. For most Thai men, they evoke memories of their formative years, a place where as students they were given a proper (military-style, in certain cases) short haircut as required by their schools.



Singing with conviction

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 16/10/2012

» When opera singer Koravee Soonthonvipat was a young boy, you would never see him anywhere near the spotlight. He was a timid, quiet student in class, until one day when he decided to sing for his grandfather. He then began to take singing classes. His plan was to sing at his birthday party as a surprise gift _ unfortunately his grandfather never made it to the special day.