Search Result for “social media”

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Seeds of change

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 16/10/2016

» There is a question asked time and again on Facebook: "Should children be taught how to grow their own food as part of their schooling?"



Jack of all fruits

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 09/10/2016

» The world population was listed at one billion in 1804. Statistics show that 123 years passed before it reached two billion in 1927, but it took only 33 years to hit the three billion mark in 1960. From then on it rose by leaps and bounds, taking only 14 years to reach four billion in 1974 and 13 years to rise to five billion in 1987. I still remember reading about the world population reaching six billion in 1999. It now stands at 7.5 billion, and it took only 17 years to reach that number.



Let the sunshine in

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 02/10/2016

» A Filipino friend of mine who lives in the US was enamoured with a plant he saw on Facebook. It was rather expensive but he bought it anyway. The seller was in the Philippines so he had it delivered to his sister, with whom he stays during his visits home.


Surviving the desert

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 25/09/2016

» In last week's Green Fingers, I mentioned that most plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen during the day but sansevierias do just the opposite: They purify and freshen the air at night while we are asleep. How do they do it?



Clearing the air

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 18/09/2016

» I posted a photo of a plant on Facebook and was pleased with the interest that it aroused among some friends. "What is it?" several asked. "Is it aloe vera? Is it malunggay [maroom in Thai]?"


Nurturing fruits of your labour

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 11/09/2016

» Many gardeners could not get their plants to bloom, much less bear fruit. Reader Murray Thomas' problem is just the opposite. His potted lime tree is exploding with fruit and more flowers are on the way. "As many as 15 small fruit on a single small branch," he wrote. "The tree is about 1.5 metres tall.



Desert bloom

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 04/09/2016

» Arun Kumar Paul sent me an email from Kolkata, India, to say that he loved plants like his own life. "I have a few adenium plants," he added, "but I have little knowledge of their culture. Could you give me some ideas?"



Prickly customers

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 28/08/2016

» If the number of stalls selling a plant can be an indication of its popularity, then cacti and succulents are clearly back in favour. At Chatuchak midweek plant market there are certainly more vendors selling these miniature beauties than ever before. Many are species and hybrids newly introduced from other countries.



Sparing some expense

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 21/08/2016

» When my now adult children were in primary school, bananas were so cheap that we fed kluay namwa to our pet birds. My late father, who was visiting from the Philippines, made it his duty to feed the birds while my husband and I were at work and the children were in school.



No slacking off in hunt for salak

B Magazine, Normita Thongtham, Published on 14/08/2016

» Roy Cruise sent me an email asking where to find chempedak (Artocarpus integer), salak (Salacca zalacca) and gandaria (Bouea macrophylla) in Thailand. A friend of his in Cavite, Philippines, had asked him to look for the said fruit trees but he has not been able to find them in Mae Hong Son, where he lives. "I was wondering if you had any idea where I may find them?" he asked.