Search Result for “social media”

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Breaking the cycle with rhythm

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 30/12/2016

» Daniel Eastwood is the head rhythm cycling instructor at Absolute Cycle, The Commons ( If you've ever been to one of his classes you'll know how fuelled with energy he is — the type that motivates you to keep going. Working in the finance industry (for 18 years) marked a time when he experienced dwindling energy, held excess weight and had no standard exercise routine. Falling in love with rhythm cycling was what changed his life. And now he just keeps going.



The power of rice

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 30/12/2016

» My mother used to tell me to put sake on my face as it was just as good, if not better -- and cheaper -- than the expensive La Mer products she'd always bought previously.



The game changer

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 09/12/2016

» The setting: When we heard that The Reflexions had recently taken on its first lady head chef, Dutch national Roxanne Lange, we headed on right over to the Plaza Athénée. After all, this marks a new chapter in the restaurant's storied history. And, what a way to put a fresh interpretation on modern French cuisine -- by adding some warmly welcomed feminine and Dutch flavours to the mix. Chef Lange, having previously worked under Michelin Star guidance at the Savelberg, brings with her a wealth of knowledge in French cuisine as well as her training from Rotterdam too. The restaurant itself, tucked away on the third floor of the hotel, has dim and intimate lighting. The notes of a live piano, played by Jean Francois, The Reflexions resident French pianist, grace the space with sounds of jazz tunes interwoven haphazardly with classical and romantic all-time greats.



Abs, empathy and edge

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 02/12/2016

» One hour with Chakrit Narula, a personal trainer at The Edge Boutique Gym ( and you feel like you've done your bit for the year. Despite his military approach to working out, what we like about Chakrit is his ability to relate with us normal humans who don't work out - or plan to - 24/7. We aren't robots and we're very much driven by realness and that "yeah I'll get round to it" mentality. We stumble. We fall. We fail. Chakrit's seen about every colour of the human condition when it comes to physical fitness, and this translates in his ability to motivate us. He wasn't always all abs and bones you know. Here's his story.



Absolutely fabulous

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 02/12/2016

» Having professional health and beauty experts on call to come into my home had always been something I'd dreamed of having, but I was always too lazy (and quite frankly, not clever enough) to build an app for it. I had it drilled into my brain that such luxuries were only reserved for Kardashian-calibre celebrities. But with FABbrigade, a Bangkok-based app that answers every woman's (and man's) pampering needs, I've been proved wrong. If you've got a smart phone, you need this in your life, ASAP. Save your credit deets on there and the beauty world becomes your pearl-filled oyster. If you've got enough cash, that is.



Coffee, my lord?

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 02/12/2016

» We thought it would be worthwhile checking out the second branch of the slowly expanding Lord of Coffee empire. FYI, there are Lord of Coffee, Lord of Coffeehouse and Lord of Coffee Hideout. My Lord, maybe soon Bangkok will be heading straight back to feudal times. At least we'll have coffee!



From nightclubs to nature

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 18/11/2016

» As Bangkok's nightclubs cool down on their opening hours and the weather follows suit with cooler and more bearable temperatures, the urge to spend time in nature has grown. Call us crazy but there's something so soothing about spending time immersed in greenery, inhaling nothing but oxygen and the smell of real earth, instead of that foul drain smell Bangkokians have become accustomed to. Wasn't it amid such greenery, in a forest not so far away that the Lord Buddha found enlightenment? OK, we're not suggesting you escape the city life to reach nirvana or anything. Unless of course, you want to. But, it's good to know that a lot of peace and tranquillity can come from just sitting still and, without sounding too cheesy, taking in the beauty and wonder that is nature.



Somebody steal that sauce!

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 11/11/2016

» OK readers, we know you're gonna be mad at us because we're presenting you with a restaurant that you already know about. Call us predictable, but we'd never shy away from munching on lobster, #sorrynotsorry. Plus, dining in that unusually shaped glass box on Lang Suan is always a treat, be it during lunch time or night time. The warm and inviting interior, the museum of expensive liquors on display, the sound of glasses clinking, voices buzzing and people laughing all mesh so wonderfully, making you feel like you're sitting in a Parisian café with the likes of Elizabeth Taylor-types. On the day we visited we were even lucky enough to hear some songs from Pink Martini, the talented mini orchestra of a music group from Portland, Oregon. The sound of fusion-classical-latin-jazz playing from Le Boeuf's speakers really set the perfect ambience for the place. #swanky.



This editor may just change the fashion world ... forever

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 04/11/2016

» Sienna De L'Orpaz is Editor in Chief of The Editor Magazine, an intercultural high fashion magazine that is set to be opening its pages — print, online and digital — to Bangkok and the world in January. We felt it necessary to catch up with Sienna as this will be no ordinary magazine, whatsoever. With the aim of removing the bars through which the fashion world has caged us, Sienna feels it's The Editor's responsibility to "break the norms traditional media has bound us by and set unconventional boundaries for beauty and fashion through diminishing all conformities and social norms by including all ages, sizes, nations and cultures". Seriously, wow. Read on, guys.



Guilt-free kanom

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 04/11/2016

» We first stumbled upon The Catering Table one lazy weekend at a Farmer's Market at K-Village. Imagine how chuffed we were when we finally found a Bangkok-based baking service that caters to people with food allergies. And to people who feel guilty everytime they eat dessert, i.e. us. Hello. Over here. Yup.