Search Result for “separatist”

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Iranian fighters feel the squeeze

Sunday Spotlight, Published on 11/12/2022

» Sitting under an oak tree on a mountainside in the Kurdish region of Iraq, Mohammad Kurd said he recently fled neighbouring Iran after two friends were killed by security forces and the powerful Revolutionary Guard started going door to door to arrest anti-government protesters.



Tears, anger on 'Joola' sinking anniversary

Sunday Spotlight, Published on 16/10/2022

» Up on the deck, dozens of university students played cards. In the first-class cabins below, passengers watched the movie Air Force One. In an overcrowded third-class compartment, a teenage football team on its way to a tournament belted out songs.



Asia's century, China's year

Asia focus, Published on 30/12/2019

» Way back when 1999 was winding down, pundits were telling us that the Asian Century was about to dawn. That prediction has not yet been fully realised, but few would disagree that 2019 belonged to China. Over the past 12 months, the top headlines have been about the bruising trade war with America, defiant protests in Hong Kong against Beijing's tightening grip, and the rise of a surveillance state that is herding hundreds of thousands into "re-education" camps on its western fringes. Below, the Asia Focus team looks back on a busy and sometimes troubling 2019.