Search Result for “risks”

Showing 71 - 80 of 452



A place under the sun

Guru, Worada Elstow, Published on 25/03/2022

» Though Thailand has a reputation of being accepting of the LGBTQI+ community, legal rights haven't been extended, with existing discrimination and the almost daily fight to be treated as equals continuing. To commemorate Transgender Day of Visibility, a day dedicated to recognising the resilience and accomplishments of the transgender community, which is on March 31, Guru speaks with trans individuals about navigating their lives in the professional world.



Male contraceptive pill 99% effective in mice, for human trials

AFP, Published on 24/03/2022

» WASHINGTON: A team of scientists said on Wednesday they had developed a male oral contraceptive that was 99% effective in mice and did not cause observable side effects, with the drug expected to enter human trials by the end of this year.



Study suggests 40% of Covid-19 survivors have long-term effects

Life, Published on 22/03/2022

» DEAR DOCTORS: I had the Omicron variant of Covid-19, and even though it was mild, I'm not back to normal. I am tired all the time, my joints ache and my sense of smell is still gone. I've been told that this could be long Covid-19. I thought that only happened if you got really sick. Why did I get long Covid-19? When will we see a cure?



Lending a helping hand

Life, Published on 22/03/2022

» To step up the fight against Covid-19 in the most remote parts of Thailand such as Mae Hong Son requires precise co-ordination of healthcare workers and temperature-controlled storage and transport of life-saving vaccines.



Chance of snoring increases as a person ages

Life, Published on 15/03/2022

» DEAR DOCTORS: My husband has always snored, but lately it's gotten a lot worse. Would gaining weight have anything to do with it? He just turned 67 and put on about 5kg during the pandemic. Sometimes his breathing stops, and I'm worried it might be sleep apnea. How do we find out?



New guidelines promote migrant worker rights

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 11/03/2022

» Promoting ethical recruitment and responsible employment during the pandemic has become a necessity that can no longer be swept under the rug as cases of Covid-19 continue to spike around the world.



Tinder lets users run background checks before dates

AFP, Published on 10/03/2022

» WASHINGTON: Dating app Tinder will give US users a way to check if potential dates have been convicted of a violent crime, a check that experts warn has limitations.



Diet rich in fatty fish good for cognitive function

Life, Published on 08/03/2022

» DEAR DOCTORS: Our grandfather is having memory problems, and my mum is trying to get him to eat more fish. I know fish is called "brain food", but my mum says she has heard on the news that fish keeps you from getting dementia. Is this true? What about fish and mercury?



Don't suffer in silence

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 07/03/2022

» In the hours leading up to her suicide, former Miss USA Cheslie Kryst, who was an attorney, an entertainment news correspondent, a fashion blogger and a volunteer, shared a photo of herself on Instagram with the caption that read: "May this day bring you rest and peace."



Increasing fibre in your diet may increase gas

Life, Published on 01/03/2022

» DEAR DOCTORS: My husband and I recently got our family onto a healthier diet -- no processed foods and lots more vegetables, beans and legumes. It's not easy, and we're struggling to stay on track. On top of that, we all have gas. Why does that happen? What can we do?