Search Result for “risks”

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Travelling post-Covid

B Magazine, Published on 05/07/2020

» With the government's Rao Tiew Duay Gan scheme launched to boost domestic tourism as well as the recently-announced Songkran holidays which were moved from April to the end of this month, vacationers are drafting some itineraries to satisfy their wanderlust as many leading hotel chains and tourist attractions are offering several options of specially crafted holiday packages with extra benefits.



Building a company that lasts

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 22/02/2018

» The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are not merely a global agenda or war cry for sustainable development that is being taken up by governments around the world. To move forward towards global prosperity, there has to be a balance and interaction between economic and social health. As such, business corporations have an equal responsibility and, increasingly, a need, to incorporate sustainable practices into their operations and management systems. It is not just a public-relations exercise, but a factor that will give them an edge, and also provide for long-term growth in a world where business no longer caters simply to a small circle of "customers" or "shareholders", but the wider target of "stakeholders".



From suffering comes compassion

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 10/10/2017

» Breast cancer befalls one in 10 Thai women, and when Maynart Nantakwang realised over a decade ago that she was in that unfortunate 10%, she had only one sensible reaction.



Smuggling Thai culture by film

Life, Karnjana Karnjanatawe, Published on 23/06/2017

» A group of Chinese fans of Thai actress Davika Hoorne shouted her nickname -- "Mai! Mai!" -- as she slowly walked out from the gate at the arrivals hall of Shanghai International Airport. They had prepared bouquets of colourful flowers and a large bunch of 999 red roses for the admired star of Phi Mak Phrakanong and 20 Mai U-Turn Wai Huai Jai Return (Suddenly Twenty).



Leading by example

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 07/11/2016

» The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) has been offering His Majesty the King's scholarships since 1970, with more than 600 students benefiting from them. Twenty-two nationalities from predominantly Asian countries have been awarded this prestigious scholarship to pursue a master's degree.