Search Result for “real train”

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Netflix's REEL LIFE wants Thai filmmakers

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 07/06/2023

» Aspire to become a filmmaker? Now's your chance. From today until the end of the month, sign up to the REEL LIFE project, an intensive workshop from Netflix recruiting a new generation of filmmakers from all over Thailand to experience work behind the lens. Those selected will meet people on set for two days and one night while experiencing the real working world of the global entertainment industry.



Celebration of tradition

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 20/01/2023

» Veteran filmmaker Hirokazu Kore-eda became known after winning the Palme d'Or at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival for the crime drama Shoplifters despite having directed films and TV series for nearly three decades. Renowned for his gentle sense of pacing, simple yet beautiful cinematography, and a focus on the complexities of family relationships, he showcased his skills in previous works such as After The Storm (2016), Like Father, Like Son (2013) and Nobody Knows (2004). However, the one that has stuck in my mind to this day is Our Little Sister (2015), a female-focused drama that gave us a cosy, heartwarming family story, along with rich cultural and beautiful vistas of the Japanese countryside.



Sandler's Hustle is a Euro step redemption tale

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 17/06/2022

» Whether it's because he has reached a saturation point with goofy comedies, or because he's too old to lead a romantic comedy, in the past few years, Adam Sandler has turned to more mature, dramatic roles. If you've seen his ventures into indie films like Punch-Drunk Love (2002), The Meyerowitz Stories (2017) or more recently Uncut Gems (2019), you'll notice that Sandler has a dramatic side to him that's surprisingly impressive. Now Sandler's back with another dramatic turn in Hustle, a Netflix sports drama where he plays a basketball scout looking for the next great player. Hustle feels like Jerry Maguire meets Rocky. It is a heartfelt, uplifting underdog movie that also serves as a love letter to the NBA.



A fresh look at the Moon

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 29/12/2021

» While the idea of Korea and space exploration in reality may still be too far-fetched, South Korean filmmakers seem to be interested in exploring the search of mysterious planets above the sky. After we got the high-octane space adventure Space Sweepers on Netfllix earlier this year, the service recently gave us another outer-space show. The Silent Sea is a mystery thriller series that tackles the darker aspect of space missions and goes even further and deeper into conspiracy and mystery with its revelations and how this all connects to human civilisation's impending doom.



A mouse trapped in a violent maze

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 20/08/2021

» If you enjoy thriller movies and are looking for something along the lines of a classic cat and mouse scenario, then be sure to check out the Netflix original Beckett. The film stars Tenet (2020) actor John David Washington and is the debut directorial film by Ferdinando Cito Filomarino, who was an assistant director of Call Me By Your Name (2017) and Suspiria (2018). Beckett is a compelling paranoia/survival/conspiracy thriller about a tourist who's deep-down on his luck.



A post-apocalyptic fairytale

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 22/06/2021

» A dystopian story about a mysterious virus that almost wipes out humanity may not sound like escapism right now as the real world deals with its own pandemic, however, the new Netflix hit series Sweet Tooth has elements that take a slightly different approach.



Have no fear of missing out on Malevolent

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 20/11/2020

» With the impact of the coronavirus on the global film industry causing cinemas around the world, including Thailand, to struggle with a lack of big releases, it's understandable that the number of movies showing in theatres nowadays aren't as diverse as usual. And without new blockbuster films to show, we've seen many cinemas rerun old movies in the past few months, whether it's Hong Kong action/drama classic A Moment Of Romance (1990), Christopher Nolan's sci-fi epic Inception (2010), Korean zombie movie Train To Busan (2016), or action hit starring Keanu Reeves John Wick Chapter 3 (2019).



Staying alive

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 18/09/2020

» Zombies feature in many movies today and over the years, they have evolved to become faster and smarter than their counterparts of yesteryear. There has been a glut of zombie movie iterations across the world, with many coming from Asia in recent years. While it is sometimes hard to get excited every time a new title pops up, #Alive, a Netflix film from South Korea, has enough quality to entertain fans of this genre with plenty of drama, horror and action elements.



A rollercoaster ride

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 08/05/2020

» Have you ever made a pact with your childhood friend? And would you still keep that wild and reckless promise even when you haven't heard from the person for over 17 years? That's exactly what happens in HBO's new black comedy thriller series Run, which features heartthrob Irish actor Domhnall Gleeson who plays opposite American actress Merritt Wever as former couples who decide to flee from their ordinary lives together after texting each other "RUN".



Fading out and fading back in

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 11/09/2019

» After closing its doors in RCA on Aug 31, the art-house cinema House Rama has found a new home as part of the launch of Samyan Mitrtown, the new mixed-use complex project developed by SET-listed Golden Land Property Development, located near the Sam Yan intersection, just 300m from MRT Sam Yan. The new cinema is set to open on Sept 20.