Search Result for “rates”

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Global talent competitiveness: a plea for diversity

Christopher Bruton, Published on 31/07/2018

» The Global Talent Competitiveness Index is produced each year by the Switzerland-based management school INSEAD, with support from the leading human resource group ADECCO, joined this year by TATA Communications.



Training or enslavement? Making internship ethical

Christopher Bruton, Published on 02/04/2018

» "Unpaid, unadvertised, unfair" is how the UK's Sutton Trust described the situation of many intern workers in that country. Enough real slavery still exists in the world today (including both in Thailand and in the UK). There is certainly no need to introduce institutionalised enslavement into established workplaces. However, many of the characteristics of slavery are fully part of the conditions of modern-day internship: no pay, hard work, long hours. While torture is presumably absent, there is the mental torture of fearing that a negative employer's report may deny an intern a successful subsequent employment opportunity.



Women in Business: is the gender gap narrowing?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 19/03/2018

» Although authoritarianism seems to be gaining popular precedence over democracy in many parts of the world, there are encouraging signs that other aspects of egalitarian philosophy are achieving more widespread approval. In particular, the importance of the role of women in society is gaining increasing recognition. Some developments are quite dramatic: who would have thought it possible that women might soon be allowed to drive cars in Saudi Arabia? How could it be, that Iran might be seriously considering allowing women to watch football matches?



Human resource wish-list for 2018

Christopher Bruton, Published on 03/01/2018

» Wouldn't it be wonderful if all our New Year wishes could be granted in the next twelve months? Actually the wishes expressed below could all become realities, or, at least, a start made on them, if government policy-makers have the determination to address these issues. Our New Year wishes for 2018 fall into three categories: some that would enhance the skills of young people entering the labour force; some that would benefit those already in the labour force; and finally some that would benefit those in the evening of their working lives or beyond.



Thailand: the Human Resource Hub of CLMTV?

Christopher Bruton, Published on 13/12/2017

» With the rapid expansion of political, economic and social relationships between the countries of what is now becoming known as CLMTV (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam), this sub-region of ASEAN is beginning to become recognised as the mainstay of Thailand’s international relations.



Women at Work: Asian trends

Christopher Bruton, Published on 26/06/2017

» According to Thai tradition, women are the hind legs of the elephant. The front legs provide leadership and direction, but strength and stability are at the hind legs. The elephant cannot move forward without support of both front and hind legs working in harmonious combination.



Forced or free: Thailand's rating in World labour freedom

Christopher Bruton, Published on 26/12/2016

» Recent legislation affecting a number of Thailand's major export markets has obliged authorities to pay greater attention to issues that ought to have been addressed and resolved more than a century ago: namely the persistence of what is euphemistically referred to as "forced labour", or more bluntly "slavery" within the Thailand manufacturing and service industry supply chain.



Forced or free?: Thailand’s rating in world labour freedom

Christopher Bruton, Published on 19/12/2016

» Recent legislation affecting a number of Thailand’s major export markets has obliged authorities to pay greater attention to issues that ought to have been addressed and resolved more than a century ago: namely the persistence of what is euphemistically referred to as "forced labour", or more bluntly "slavery" within the Thailand manufacturing and service industry supply chain.



Workplace Cooperatives: a sound way to save

Christopher Bruton, Published on 13/12/2016

» Recently, we featured the pioneering work of iCare Benefits, a zero interest cost employee benefits program. This scheme now serves over 3.1 million workers in more than 1,300 factories in an increasing number of countries, including Thailand. However, even before iCare Benefits reached Thailand, there were already worker cooperatives undertaking savings schemes. These worker cooperatives now have the opportunity to work together with iCare Benefits, joining alongside factory managements and trade union local branches to provide cost-effective benefits for workers.



A worker benefit programme that really cares

Christopher Bruton, Published on 21/11/2016

» Many worker support programmes that are supposed to convey great benefits for employees often in fact do quite the opposite. No wonder, therefore, that schemes designed to offer a road to paradise for hard-pressed workers are often viewed with skepticism by employers and employees alike. However, with the advent of "iCare Benefits" to the Thailand market, there is, at last a truly viable, already internationally tested scheme that really does offer and deliver what it claims.