Search Result for “protest”

Showing 11 - 16 of 16


Reds deride Suthep's plans

News, Chaiyot Yongcharoenchai, Published on 01/12/2013

» As anti-government protesters occupy large parts of the city centre, their leaders continue to spurn calls for talks with the government. But with many of their red-shirt rivals also flatly refusing to consider what they say is an ''absurd'' proposal to replace the current parliamentary model with a so-called people's council, the chances of the two sides reaching an accord appear slim.


We're not going to take it

Spectrum, Chaiyot Yongcharoenchai, Published on 10/11/2013

» The demonstrations were unlike any which came before them. Thousands turned out, in all colours and of all ages, in a people-led movement powered by social media that transcended politics. It was almost as if the country collectively said: Enough. The government had been too blatant and too forceful in its attempt to bring home former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, and was willing to sell out too many principles and people to achieve this aim with a blanket amnesty bill.


A night at the political opera

News, Chaiyot Yongcharoenchai, Published on 03/11/2013

» As the activities on stage wind down, hundreds of die-hard anti-amnesty protesters tuck in for the night on makeshift beds, trying to make themselves comfortably on the hard ground littered with plastic and broken glass.


Vigilant or vigilantes?

Spectrum, Chaiyot Yongcharoenchai, Published on 28/07/2013

» When Atchariya Rungrattanapong became embroiled in a business conflict, he lost more than just his career and money; he also lost all faith in Thailand's judicial system.


Broken promises on pledging leave rice farmers in lurch

Spectrum, Chaiyot Yongcharoenchai, Published on 30/06/2013

» As the government's election promise to help rice farmers unravels, outside of Bangkok the populist policies that delivered Pheu Thai to power are coming home to roost.


Learning curves

Spectrum, Chaiyot Yongcharoenchai, Published on 10/03/2013

» Saint Gabriel's Foundation _ which runs one of Thailand's oldest and most respected private educational institutions _ has at the core of its religious philosophy the pursuit of truth above all else.