Search Result for “protest”

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Art of Precarity

Life, Amitha Amranand, Published on 13/10/2022

» What is the possibility of art in a precarious and even dangerous environment? The answer could be found everywhere at documenta fifteen.



Setting the stage for change

Life, Amitha Amranand, Published on 18/12/2013

» As more and more people fall victim to Thailand's censorship laws _ and as the political divide deepens _ the local theatre scene continues to flourish. It is easily the artistic field least supported by the state, and receives little to no corporate sponsorship. As a result, theatre artists have mostly escaped the state censors' radar _ compared to, say, film _ and are mainly free from creating work to fulfil nationalistic, ultra-royalist agendas in order to obtain funding. Thus, theatre is probably the most politically minded among all forms of artistic and cultural expression in Thailand.



Getting in on the act

Life, Amitha Amranand, Published on 04/04/2013

» March was a busy month for theatre-goers as artists apparently rushed to stage their shows before holiday-packed April arrived. Here are a selection of theatre and dance productions that were staged last month, some of which are ongoing.



Catch this disease

Life, Amitha Amranand, Published on 17/01/2013

» It comes as no surprise that after having studied and observed medical researchers working to combat tropical maladies, B-Floor Theatre sided with the diseases.


The price of free speech

Life, Amitha Amranand, Published on 11/10/2012

» Pridi Banomyong Institute has always been an art venue of the smaller voices _ a refuge of sorts for the young, struggling artists, especially the politically minded ones. Theatre-goers know all too well that the venue is also home to two theatre companies, Crescent Moon Theatre and B-Floor Theatre, and their tiny rehearsal and performance spaces, Crescent Moon Space and B-Floor Room.



Spelling it out

Life, Amitha Amranand, Published on 20/09/2012

» This year, all of B-Floor Theatre's productions have been a reaction to Article 112 cases and social sanctions against those who have, or are accused of having, less-than-glowing views of the Thai monarchy. However, Bang La Merd (My Wonderfully Smiling City), written, directed and performed by Oranong Thaisriwong, is, thank heaven, the first to simply say that yes, we're talking about the lese majeste law and the constant fear and possibility of landing in jail for doing or saying anything that touches up on the monarchy.



Turning the pages of Democracy

Life, Amitha Amranand, Published on 04/06/2012

» Since the advent of bookstore chains, followed by the domination of Amazon, the act of dreaming up, opening and maintaining an independent bookstore has always been considered a statement against the invasion of giant corporations.


Troupes on display

Life, Amitha Amranand, Published on 15/02/2012

» In the hodgepodge of student, amateur, professional and comeback theatre troupes that, for a decade, have together defined the Bangkok Theatre Festival (BTF), it can be difficult to discover the shining newcomers. Even those who have been on the scene for years can easily get lost in the muddle. While regular theatre-goers may prefer to invest their energy in watching the works of long-standing reputable troupes, sometimes it's the new discoveries that make your theatre-going experience all the more worthwhile and exciting. We talked to newly formed and lesser-known companies of veterans and new blood to give you a glimpse into this year's festival and the direction of the local theatre scene.