Search Result for “protest”

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Bridging cultures

Life, John Clewley, Published on 18/06/2024

» In 2011, Iraqi musician, actor and writer Ahmed Moneka was working as an artist and actor. He studied at Baghdad's Institute of Fine Art and, according to Canada's The Globe And Mail, he was the first black TV presenter in the country. His father, also a well-known comedy actor, was the pioneer. Moneka went into the "family business".



Board the Greenpeace ship this weekend

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 17/06/2024

» Greenpeace Thailand offers a rare opportunity for eco-conscious folks to experience a free tour of its Rainbow Warrior ship and more for free this weekend. The hitch is that you'll have to be at Suang Kong Beach in the Chana district of Songkhla.



Cannes 2024 highlights

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 14/05/2024

» From Francis Ford Coppola's new epic to a Taiwanese drama starring a Thai actor and a Pol Pot drama, we pick hot titles from the French film festival that kicks off today.



War weary and wary

Life, Published on 21/02/2024

» For over two years, world news was dominated by disclosures and information about Covid, and the measures we needed to undertake to keep ourselves safe from infection. But that all changed on Feb 24, 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine and set about an egregious war against a non-aggressive country.



2023 ROUNDUP A vintage year for Thai cinema?

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 25/12/2023

» There were cheers of jubilation and gasps of disbelief as Thai cinema found itself awash with excitement in 2023. This has been the most successful year for mainstream Thai movies in a decade, a box-office triumph far exceeding all expectations. To many, the 2023 coup de theatre calls for celebration. "We are back!" cried optimistic pundits. But also: "Really? Is it just a one-time cinema party and can we keep the ball rolling?"



Artist highlights ‘silencing’ of Hong Kong youth

AFP, Published on 16/12/2023

» LONDON - For two decades, British artist Martin Lever took his inspiration from Asia and his adopted home of Hong Kong.



'Fall of the ogre': Depardieu sparks #MeToo moment in French cinema

AFP, Published on 14/12/2023

» PARIS - For more than a year after rape allegations against French actor Gerard Depardieu, the film industry shrugged its shoulders and the cinematic legend with more than 200 titles to his name continued working.



Swiss museum shows controversial Nazi-era art collection

AFP, Published on 07/11/2023

» ZURICH - A top Swiss museum has run into trouble showing an art collection acquired in questionable circumstances during World War II, with some saying its attempt to put it "in context" does not focus enough on the fate of the art's former Jewish owners.



Faces of sacrifice

Life, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 13/10/2023

» Is the appointed Senate integral to a regime of democracy? Should students enjoy the right not to wear uniforms? How about freedom of speech? Or assembly? At what point should fair criticism be taken as an insult to be punished by law, and when will street protests come to an end?



And ya don't stop!

Life, John Clewley, Published on 16/08/2023

» On Aug 11, New York City celebrated the 50th anniversary the birth of hip-hop with exhibitions, concerts and street art across the five boroughs.