Search Result for “pieces”

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Isis thwarted

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 26/12/2019

» Until the 20th century, jihadists had no bones to pick with the US. Their ire was directed at the UK and France who coveted their lands, and the Jews trying to carve out their own. They got good press when T.E. Lawrence led the Arabs against the enemy Ottoman Turks. The silent film The Sheik romanticised them. The Riffs were favoured in their uprising against Spain. They didn't participate in the North African campaign in World War II.



Up to par

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 01/11/2019

» The first thing I did when becoming a newspaper film reviewer was to import a shortcut from the West: evaluating movies with stars. One Trink star was for the very worst motion picture, five Trink stars for the very best. Which was followed by a paragraph explanation. Readers approving my cinema tastes thus knew on what to spend -- or save -- their earnings.



Boston thriller

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 11/10/2019

» Dipping my fingers into the book bag, out came yet another by James Patterson. Can this reviewer help that the Yank is one of the most prolific writers in the business? His co-author this time around is Candice Fox. Which of them came up with this plot, I wonder?



Religion and warfare

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 06/09/2019

» What all religions, sects, cults have in common is that each believes it is the true one, the others not only unworthy but spawns of the devil, deserving to be liquidated.



Weapon of choice

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 25/04/2019

» In my army days, we were issued used M1 rifles. They were heavy and either had hair triggers or they had to be pulled way back before firing, by which time the target had moved.


Ace hitchhiker

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 02/03/2018

» British expatriate Lee Child has become perhaps the most respected thriller novelist in the US. His blurbs for colleagues' books send sales soaring. Jack Reacher, his literary creation, is a household name. Tom Cruise has played him in two successful movies.


A treaty for peace

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 23/11/2017

» Following the two-decade-long Napoleonic Wars, Europe, not least France, licked its wounds and agreed "never again". Then they set about making a lasting peace. They felt able to do it. It was the Age of Reason and they were was intelligent as one could be in 1815.



Off the bad guys

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 23/06/2017

» Nations are paranoid, apprehensive that they will be attacked from one direction or another. History has shown that today's friends may well be tomorrow's enemies. So they pre-emptively draw up plans for war against neighbours and distant lands, stockpiling weapons.



Be prepared

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 09/06/2017

» A reporter outside my homeland for more than a half-century, I never had the gall to call myself a foreign correspondent, lacking the qualifications of working for an American publication -- my byline in India, Japan and Thailand notwithstanding -- even though Time magazine gave me an honourable mention.



Lock up your daughters

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 30/12/2016

» Of all crimes, those against children are the most heinous. While they may not all be innocent, they are weak and vulnerable, expected to be protected from the dangers of the world and shown the right path by their parents and respected members of their community.