Search Result for “party leader”

Showing 51 - 60 of 217



Ex-S.Korean premier Kim Jong-pil, spy agency founder, dies

Associated Press, Published on 23/06/2018

» SEOUL: Kim Jong-pil, the founder of South Korea's spy agency whose political skills helped him also serve twice as prime minister, first under his dictator boss and later under a man his agency kidnapped, has died. He was 92.



At Trump-Kim summit, don't expect N.Korea to foot the bill

Associated Press, Published on 04/06/2018

» TOKYO: When North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump hold their summit at an exclusive venue in Singapore, one of the priciest destinations in Asia, they will no doubt run up quite a bill. And if past precedent is any indication, expect Pyongyang to pay as little of it as possible.



Sanchez topples Rajoy to become Spanish PM

Associated Press, Published on 01/06/2018

» MADRID: Socialist party leader Pedro Sanchez is set to become Spain's new prime minister after a no-confidence vote in parliament Friday unseated Mariano Rajoy's conservative government.



Thailand wearies of junta rule, election promise still vague

Associated Press, Published on 21/05/2018

» Four years after seizing power, Thailand's junta has a singular success it never hoped for: uniting a politically divided nation in growing dissatisfaction with the thin-skinned rule of the generals.



Cambodia makes first arrest using new royal insult law

Associated Press, Published on 13/05/2018

» PHNOM PENH: A 50-year-old teacher has been arrested in Cambodia for allegedly insulting the monarchy in a comment posted on Facebook, police said on Sunday, the first such arrest since the country adopted a royal insult law earlier this year.



Najib barred from leaving Malaysia

Associated Press, Published on 12/05/2018

» KUALA LUMPUR: Scandal-ridden former prime minister Najib Razak and his wife have been blacklisted from leaving Malaysia, shortly after he announced plans for a short holiday, immigration authorities said on Saturday.



Singapore ties with US, NKorea make city-state summit site

Associated Press, Published on 11/05/2018

» SINGAPORE: Singapore's diplomatic ties with North Korea and its relative proximity made the city-state a natural choice for the historic summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.



Trump warns Iran against resuming nuclear programme

Associated Press, Published on 10/05/2018

» WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump warned Iran on Wednesday against resuming its nuclear weapons programme, a day after announcing that he was withdrawing the US from the landmark Iran nuclear deal.



Malaysians vote in election defined by scandal, tax

Associated Press, Published on 09/05/2018

» KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: Voting was underway on Wednesday in a fiercely contested Malaysian election that pits an opposition led by former authoritarian leader Mahathir Mohamad against the ruling coalition of Prime Minister Najib Razak, whose image has been battered by corruption allegations and an unpopular goods and services tax.



Diaz-Canel replaces Raul Castro as Cuba's president

Associated Press, Published on 19/04/2018

» HAVANA: A 57-year-old bureaucrat replaced Raul Castro as the president of Cuba on Thursday, launching a new political era as a government led by a single family for six decades tries to ensure the long-term survival of one of the world's last communist states.