Search Result for “paris”

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The violinist whose bow is a sabre

Life, Harry Rolnick, Published on 23/11/2017

» Attention Insurance Companies: Boris Belkin is coming to Bangkok on Nov 28, and nothing anywhere in the path of his knife-sharp bow is safe. Not the Bangkok Concert Hall, not Michael Tilkin, the conductor of the Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra or any buildings in the area are liable to shake, rattle and roll.



Delusion and denim dreams

Life, Apipar Norapoompipat, Published on 08/04/2016

» It was an almost overwhelming experience of sights and sounds on Sunday as the Bangkok CityCity Gallery played host to Korakrit Arunanondchai's crazy, conceptual world of burnt denim, nightmare-inducing mannequins, and a giant cyber-jungle monster. A collection by the New York-based multimedia artist comprising denim paintings, abstract body paint and a floor-to-ceiling installation of entangled foliage, drones, wires, electronics and mannequins engendered a mixture of awe, appreciation and confusion in equal measure.



A life full of changes in rhythm

Life, Published on 13/04/2015

» When Philip Glass was 15, his father, who owned a record store in Baltimore, put him in charge of buying classical albums. Glass was then a precocious freshman at the University of Chicago and taking the first steps on the path to becoming a composer. When he learned of a new recording of the complete Schoenberg string quartets played by the Juilliard String Quartet, he ordered four copies. Aghast, his father asked if he was trying to put him out of business. To teach his son a lesson, he told him to put the recordings of these atonal chamber works on the shelves with the more mainstream classical records and report back when the last copy had been sold. That took seven years. The lesson Glass learned? "I can sell anything if I have enough time."