Search Result for “over the top”

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Concurrency and its implications

Business, Barry Elliott, Published on 31/05/2017

» Thanks to our old favourites at Kinaxis, we've been mulling over a profound piece written by Matt Davis at SCM World, entitled "Concurrency -- Embracing the death of S&OP, SCOR and other supply chain paradigms".


The top five solutions to reduce wasted miles

Business, Barry Elliott, Published on 30/12/2015

» We round out 2015 with a very timely submission from IGD, the food and grocery research and training charity in Britain, with which we have been so pleased to become familiar just this year.


An integrative route to business transformation

Business, Barry Elliott, Published on 26/08/2015

» Today we wish to revisit a topic about which we have written often. It was prompted by a thought-provoking blog entry by Robert Hart of Competitive Capabilities International, developer of the terrific TRACC value-chain improvement solution. Much has been written about the advantages of individual continuous improvement methodologies such as the Toyota Production System, Total Productive Maintenance and Lean, yet few companies have achieved sustainable success as a result of adopting such approaches.


The B in IBP means all kinds of business

Business, Barry Elliott, Published on 29/07/2015

» When people think of integrated business planning (IBP), most think of it as something for manufacturing businesses only. Nothing could be further from the truth.


Lessons from the world's supply chain leaders

Business, Barry Elliott, Published on 30/07/2014

» We always look forward to the annual Gartner Supply Chain Top 25, not so much to see who’s in and who’s out, but for the insights that industry leaders offer into current trends and future directions.


A fresh take on business planning

Business, Barry Elliott, Published on 12/02/2014

» We continue in our work with clients to introduce what is increasingly referred to as integrated business planning (IBP). While the concepts, principles and practices are evolving continuously, people have clearly moved away from using the more traditional labels such as sales and operations planning (S&OP) and integrated business management to get a fresh take and to get away from the baggage that comes with the older terms.


Supply chain asia awards recognise excellence

Business, Barry Elliott, Published on 20/11/2013

» It is time to again remind readers about Supply Chain Asia (SCA), the non-profit body that brings together professionals from the logistics and supply chain industry with the common purpose of sharing knowledge, learning from one another and creating opportunities for collaboration. The organisation has roots in Thailand, with Bangkok having been the location for the inaugural conferences years ago.


Finance and manufacturing (Re)Gaining respect

Business, Barry Elliott, Published on 16/01/2013

» We're surprised to note that nowhere in the flood of articles about the new year have we seen anyone mention the numeral "13". Do people think that mentioning it would be akin to letting a black cat cross our path? Is it because we have had so much bad luck in recent years that they either think it cannot possibly get worse, or do they not want to tempt fate? We're not sure, but we remain confident in the future because of the positive way in which supply chain management (SCM) is evolving.


Resiliency is key to SCM's contribution

Business, Barry Elliott, Published on 04/07/2012

» We wish to reintroduce ourselves this week. After almost 10 years as Weekly Link, beginning today we are simply, The Link. The editors have asked us to change a little bit, cutting back on frequency to every fortnight but with a bit more space each time, so we can discuss things in more depth. We are pleased to continue in this new vein.


SCM leaders building on others success

Business, Barry Elliott, Published on 27/06/2012

» As we wrote last week, Gartner Research recently held its annual Supply Chain Conference and announced its Supply Chain Management Top 25 for this year. We discussed the key themes of the top companies' leading practices last week.