Search Result for “missile launch”

Showing 1 - 10 of 52



N.Korea threatens to resume nuclear tests

Associated Press, Published on 10/10/2019

» SEOUL: North Korea on Thursday called outside condemnation of its weapons launches a "grave provocation" and threatened again to resume nuclear and long-range missile tests.



Seoul: North Korea launches 2 short-range ballistic missiles

Associated Press, Published on 31/07/2019

» SEOUL: South Korea's military said North Korea conducted its second weapons test in less than a week Wednesday, firing two short-range ballistic missiles off its east coast in a move observers said could be aimed at boosting pressure on the United States as the rivals struggle to set up fresh nuclear talks.



Trump to meet North Korean leader Feb 27-28 in Vietnam

Associated Press, Published on 06/02/2019

» WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he will hold a two-day summit with North Korea leader Kim Jong Un on Feb 27-28 in Vietnam to continue his efforts to persuade Kim to give up his nuclear weapons.



Moon to carry private message from Kim to Trump

Associated Press, Published on 20/09/2018

» SEOUL: A beaming South Korean President Moon Jae-in returned home from a whirlwind three-day summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Thursday saying that Kim wants the US secretary of state to visit Pyongyang soon for nuclear talks, and also hopes for a quick follow-up to his June summit with Donald Trump.



Trump announces halt to US-S.Korea war games

Associated Press, Published on 12/06/2018

» SINGAPORE: President Donald Trump and North Korea's Kim Jong Un concluded an extraordinary nuclear summit Tuesday with the US president pledging unspecified “security guarantees” to the North and Kim recommitting to the “complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.”



'Mission Accomplished' in Syria, Trump declares

Associated Press, Published on 14/04/2018

» WASHINGTON: Allied missiles struck at the heart of Syrian chemical weapons arsenal in a show of force and resolve aimed at punishing the Assad government for a suspected poison gas attack against civilians and deterring the possible future use of such banned weapons.



Trump says he'll fire missiles at Syrian 'Gas Killing Animal' Assad

Associated Press, Published on 11/04/2018

» BEIRUT: A senior Russian lawmaker on Wednesday morning warned the United States that Russia would view an airstrike on Syria as a war crime, but US President Donald Trump then tweeted that "missiles are coming" and called Syrian President Bashar Assad a "Gas Killing Animal".



Trump to Assad: 'Big price to pay' for chemical attack

Associated Press, Published on 09/04/2018

» WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump on Sunday condemned a "mindless CHEMICAL attack" in Syria that killed women and children, called Syrian President Bashar Assad an "animal" and said there would be a "big price to pay" for resorting to outlawed weapons of mass destruction.



Putin praises Trump, raps US politics

Associated Press, Published on 08/03/2018

» MOSCOW: Russian President Vladimir Putin lavished praise on President Donald Trump, but added that he was sorely disappointed with the US political system, saying that it has been "eating itself up."



Japanese public TV says staffer sent missile alert in error

Associated Press, Published on 17/01/2018

» TOKYO: Japanese public broadcaster NHK said Wednesday that an erroneous alert about a North Korean missile fired at Japan was sent by a staff member who meant to transmit a different news flash.