Search Result for “mai”

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When gracelee watched

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 01/09/2017

» We had the privilege to meet with the very talented US-artist Gracelee Lawrence, who recently finished her year as a visiting artist in the Multidisciplinary Department of Art at Chiang Mai University on a Luce Scholars Fellowship. Her exhibition "When Watched" is currently showing at Bridge Art Space (<a href=""></a>) and ends on September 16. The exhibition is comprised of digital sculptures, videos, stories on the wall, illustrations and poems made using Google translate. Head there real quick if you haven't already. Read on to find out more about the artist who's breaking conventions and perhaps you may learn a little something too!



Massacre's memory

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 20/07/2017

» The noblest thing is to remember the dead, no matter how long it has been. In the documentary Respectfully Yours, friends and families of some of the victims of the Oct 6, 1976, massacre remember those who were brutally maimed, tortured and killed on the grounds of Thammasat University 41 years ago, as the police and right-wing militia laid siege.



The art of exile

Life, Ariane Kupferman-Sutthavong, Published on 28/06/2017

» The snowy mountaintops of Sweden, France or the United States, painted on Paphonsak La-or's canvases, aren't dispatches from the artist's overseas travels.



Loud paintings

Life, Kaona Pongpipat, Published on 13/01/2016

» Echoing the title of Paphonsak La-or's solo exhibition "Silent No More", his opening reception at Lyla Gallery in Chiang Mai on Boxing Day last year was buzzing with locals and those who had made the trip from Bangkok. Milling around, everyone in the exhibition room couldn't possibly have avoided the huge 7m-long centrepiece that comes with a shade of blue paint that is neither gloomy nor reassuring in the background. While there's a sentence in the middle, "This image is no longer available", the bottom text reads, "Love which was woven in our society leads to a great tragedy and sorrow".