Search Result for “late”

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Yuan’s slump puts Asia’s rate-cutting central banks on alert

Published on 05/08/2019

» China’s decision to weaken its currency amid an escalating trade war will put Asian central banks on the defensive as they gauge how much monetary-policy easing their economies can withstand.


Syria and Trump-Xi talks keep investors on sidelines

Business, Published on 10/04/2017

» Recap: Markets were rattled late last week after US cruise missiles struck a Syrian air base, while global investors moved to the sidelines pending the outcome of talks between US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Safe-haven assets such as the yen and gold soared and oil prices also surged. The formal promulgation of the country's 20th constitution, ensuring an election sometime late next year, helped keep the Thai stock market in a rangebound trade.



Hope in greece and Ukraine helps lift global stocks

Business, Published on 16/02/2015

» Recap: Global bourses early last week were jolted by nerves over Greece's finances, and downbeat Chinese trade data, but rebounded later on a peace agreement in Ukraine and European Central Bank approval of more emergency liquidity to Greece. The Thai stock market also rose slightly.



Weekly business news quiz: October 21-25, 2013

Jon Fernquest, Published on 25/10/2013

» Check if you understand the issues and vocabulary in this week's most important business news stories.


Myanmar plans for new monetary policy

Published on 17/09/2012

» Myanmar's central bank plans to implement an independent monetary policy in the first half of next year to keep prices and banks stable as investors prepare to inject money into the former military regime.


Thailand to keep rates as growth holds

Published on 24/07/2012

» Thailand and the Philippines are likely refrain from cutting interest rates this week as the Southeast Asian economies withstand a global growth slowdown that spurred policy easing from Brazil to China, according to economists.