Search Result for “king”

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The humane truth

Life, Sawarin Suwichakornpong, Published on 11/12/2020

» In the treatise Politics (328 BC), Aristotle wrote that man was by nature a social animal, and society was something in nature that preceded the individual. The human that didn't partake in society, he opined, was either a beast or god. The English philosopher, Thomas Hobbes, delved into a darker side and argued that if men wanted to survive they would voluntarily uphold laws, give up their rights and obey an absolute power that protected them. Left on their own, men were naturally unsociable and didn't depend on anyone but themselves to survive. Self-preservation was their ultimate objective. They perpetually competed against one another. Their natural state was a state of war, in which they distrusted their own species and reasoned with a fist in order to attain power over their fellow beings.


Overcoming the racial divide

Life, Sawarin Suwichakornpong, Published on 26/04/2018

» Shakespeare writes in The Winter's Tale that "there were no age between 10 and three-and-20, or that youth would sleep out the rest". Adolescence, or the marked "teenage years", encompass elements of biological growth and major social transformation, both of which are decidedly products of nature and culture. The time between youth and maturity can be sorrowful, hard, fun, sad and amazing. It never fails to inspire writers of fiction, to attempt to unravel the complexities of this concept of life. Charting into the unknown is always a favourite subject of those who write.