Search Result for “king”

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Room service

Guru, Kankanok Wichiantanon, Published on 01/05/2020

» With everyone adapting to the new norm, hotels have had to reimagine the services they provide. Thinking well outside the box has become an important prerequisite, not just to generate revenue, but also to comfort and soothe the safety-conscious, yet still discerning guests. Guru lists a few examples of the innovative measures.



Horror haunts

Guru, Kankanok Wichiantanon, Published on 25/10/2019

» For countless generations, superstitions have loomed large in the Thai psyche, often interweaving themselves into hundreds of horrifying tales, both factual and fictitious. Regardless of one's inclination to believe in them, there is no denying that a few real-life events in our fine city send shivers down the spine. Guru has listed places in the city with purported paranormal activity and macabre pasts. If you dare to experience them, you have been warned: proceed with caution.


Overcoming the racial divide

Life, Sawarin Suwichakornpong, Published on 26/04/2018

» Shakespeare writes in The Winter's Tale that "there were no age between 10 and three-and-20, or that youth would sleep out the rest". Adolescence, or the marked "teenage years", encompass elements of biological growth and major social transformation, both of which are decidedly products of nature and culture. The time between youth and maturity can be sorrowful, hard, fun, sad and amazing. It never fails to inspire writers of fiction, to attempt to unravel the complexities of this concept of life. Charting into the unknown is always a favourite subject of those who write.



In musical tribute

Life, Published on 25/10/2016

» After the passing of His Majesty the King, several pop singers have released songs reflecting their grief. From rap to rock and ballads, we take a look at some of the most memorable



Art under stress

Life, Published on 02/12/2015

» Life's critics take a look at how artists in different fields reflected upon Thailand's political situation over the past 18 months — or why they chose not to.



The (sur)real world

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 11/03/2015

» Chulayarnnon Siriphol can't keep his jokes to himself. He has the boyish — some might say nerdy — looks of a milk-fed goody two-shoes mama's boy, but in his films, the 29-year-old often thrives on pranks, satire, mischief and a brand of droll, childlike humour that cuts through the slough of hypocrisy.