Search Result for “interview”

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Misinformation overload

Life, Alongkorn Parivudhiphongs, Published on 28/05/2024

» From exaggerated crime reports to hyperbolic political coverage, the trend towards dramatisation is reshaping how the public consumes news in Thailand, especially on television screens. Critics, however, have raised a red flag that this not only distorts fact-based reality but also undermines the media's role in providing accurate and responsible journalism, potentially leaving audiences more misinformed and emotionally manipulated.



Death becomes her

Life, Alongkorn Parivudhiphongs, Published on 04/06/2015

» The process of scripting a theatrical production can be filled with smart and crisp ideas, then potential actors show up at the audition, and promising gags pop up during the rehearsal. But when it comes to execution of those sound ingredients, sometimes sweet intentions turn sour. That is the case with The Death Of Miss America by Culture Collective Studio, which had its opening night last Saturday.


Behind and beyond Miss Saigon

Life, Alongkorn Parivudhiphongs, Published on 26/09/2012

» When Takonkiat Viravan's Thai adaptation of Miss Saigon opens at Ratchadalai Theatre tomorrow, the date is precisely 23 years and one week after the world-renowned musical's premier in London on Sept 20, 1989.