Search Result for “human rights”

Showing 1 - 10 of 21


Speaking out for migrants

Asia focus, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 12/12/2016

» Governments of origin, transit and destination must all do more to ensure fairer treatment of migrant workers around the world by implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), according to activists in the field.


Equality for all

Asia focus, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 05/12/2016

» People with different sexual orientation and gender identity all over the world are speaking out louder as they battle against discrimination, criminalisation and negative attitudes in the workplace, social and political life.



Duterte aside, all's quiet in Asean

Asia focus, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 12/09/2016

» Barack Obama, the first US president to visit Laos, concluded his final official trip to Asia by calling it "a memorable and, at times, a very moving visit".



Can Laos stand the spotlight?

Asia focus, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 05/09/2016

» Laos has adopted the efficient practice of hosting two Asean summits at one go. Why bother organising two events months apart? We already have a lot of domestic homework and who wants to meet world leaders that often, especially if all they're going to do is nag us about democracy and human rights?



What's the point of Asean?

Asia focus, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 08/08/2016

» Asean is now in its 49th year of existence, so what better time for a quick quiz? Sincerely answer the following question, even if the subject is something you ignore for the other 364 days of the year.



Thailand's farcical UN campaign

Asia focus, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 04/07/2016

» There are no real friends or foes, only domestic interests that are imperative in the international political setting, diplomats like to say. Thailand's military government should sign up for this lesson in International Relations 101, if it cares to learn more.



After Jakarta, Asean must tackle the roots of radicalisation

Asia focus, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 25/01/2016

» The terrorist attacks in Jakarta have underlined the need for Asean leaders and security authorities to address the conditions that have resulted in a growing number of young people turning to jihadist movements such as Islamic State.



In search of trust

Asia focus, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 30/11/2015

» It's a bitter and tragic story whenever we hear about casualties from bombings or shootings in the seemingly never-ending conflict between Palestinians and Israelis. Many outsiders, who find the conflict confusing if they haven't tuned out the news altogether, wonder when and how it will ever end.


Migrant crisis tests us all

Asia focus, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 25/05/2015

» The image of a "caring and sharing" community of 620 million had already been shattered in the eyes of Asean people and the global community, as starving and helpless Rohingya boat people were driven out of their countries of origin, only to be pushed back by Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.



Authoritarianism has had its day

Asia focus, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 20/04/2015

» Thailand and Malaysia have adopted some very blunt tools to deal with "post-democracy" challenges. But they seem not to realise that while democracy is a particular institutional framework, democratisation is an ongoing process. Democracy by nature is always unfinished, open-ended and subject to maintenance.