Search Result for “gay love”

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A sonic bang for your bucks

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 18/08/2013

» Among the stars arriving for Bangkok's inaugural Sonic Bang festival on Saturday is one band that is no stranger to Southeast Asia. Frequent visitors to the region, Placebo have brought their reflective, gender-twisting or drug-exploring lyrics, their androgynous look, their dark, melodic instrumentals around the world, and now to Bangkok for the third time.



Exhibition pulls hiv positive out of their lonely plight

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 01/04/2012

» In 2001, an Aids-related brain infection forced Han Nefkens to learn to eat, walk, speak, read and write all over again. What could have been a lonely and harrowing path to recovery wasn't, he says, because of the community he has become a part of as a collector and patron of the arts for more than a decade.


Love pictured together, Standing apart

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 01/04/2012

» At first Piyarat Piyapongwiwat's "Queerness", a series of photographs of couples, doesn't appear to be a gay art exhibition. The photos aren't a celebration of sexuality or an overt claim for rights. These are subtle and personal portraits; the relationships are not always immediately apparent and there is a timeless element to the compositions. As in a black and white photograph of your great-grandparents, the couples don't smile. They are posing, but not formally. The impression is of a quick window into the lives of couples, as they turn to look momentarily _ before resuming their lives. It's an intimate demonstration that same-sex couples are as loving and connected as any other.