Search Result for “future”

Showing 121 - 130 of 130


No turning back

Business, Umesh Pandey, Published on 14/05/2012

» As Aung San Suu Kyi, new passport in hand, prepares for her first trip out of Myanmar in nearly a quarter century, investors and analysts are flocking in, hoping that recent gestures of democratic reform will prevail.


The new paper tigers

Business, Umesh Pandey, Published on 23/04/2012

» As industry leaders gather this week in Bangkok for the largest gathering of pulp and paper makers in Asia, they face challenging questions about the future of their regional and global industries.



Don't count Europe out

Business, Umesh Pandey, Published on 09/04/2012

» PHNOM PENH : The European Union, despite the ongoing economic woes of some of its members, is keen to increase its trade and investment into the smaller countries of Asean as it says there is a greater potential for growth in this part of the world.


Shop but don't drop

Business, Umesh Pandey, Published on 02/04/2012

» Asian corporations with strong balance sheets and seeking possible acquisitions around the world need to consider their strategy carefully and nut buy just for the sake of buying, say experts.


Out of the comfort zone

Business, Umesh Pandey, Published on 12/03/2012

» Over the last year or so, more Thai companies have started to make their move in regional markets, but despite saturation coverage in the media about regional integration, Thailand remains a relative newcomer in this field.


Exploring for the long haul

Business, Umesh Pandey, Published on 27/02/2012

» Resource-rich Myanmar is poised to be a major contributor to Thailand's future energy needs, including gas and possibly electricity from hydropower dams planned for the years ahead.


Time to flex muscles

Business, Umesh Pandey, Published on 20/02/2012

» The countries in Southeast Asia should start flexing their muscles in the world as some others in the region have done, says one of the continent's most successful businessmen.


Momentum still healthy

Business, Umesh Pandey, Published on 06/02/2012

» Emerging markets and Asia in particular appear poised to continue their good growth momentum in the near future despite struggles in the western hemisphere, as the trend of intraregional trade continues to thrive.


Doubling of trade foreseen

Business, Umesh Pandey, Published on 06/02/2012

» NEW DELHI : Trade between India and Thailand could more than double over the next two years as the countries have set a deadline of June this year to sign their long-awaited free trade agreement.


No time for complacency

Business, Umesh Pandey, Published on 23/01/2012

» The optimism in Asia is justified as the world economic balance shifts, but the region's policymakers cannot run their countries on "auto pilot", warns a Nobel laureate in economics.