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Last seen online

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 14/01/2022

» We are a few weeks into 2022 and I suspect many of us are still trying to grapple with the events of 2021. Heck, some of us may still be dealing with 2020! Time, however, waits for no one. We’re almost to the halfway mark of January (gasp) so we need to prepare ourselves for the rest of the months to come and if you don’t know where to start, Guru has you covered. From fun games that chillax you to getting the living daylights scared out of you to apps that could help your productivity, your health and even your love life, here are a few things to help you get on track.



Magic and a few laughs

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 05/03/2021

» Charles Alexis Guenard (right) and Tada Piriyanupong (left), better known as Charles the French and Tada, have been tickling funny bones with hilarious videos on their YouTube channel. But when they're not making videos, they're cooking up entertaining live comedy acts.



The year ahead

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 01/01/2021

» 2021 is finally here and we can finally put "The Year That Must Not Be Named" behind us! Though we're not entirely out of the woods yet, the fact remains that a new year means we can turn a new leaf and look forward to the things yet to come this year. Here is a list of things that are in store for us, which hopefully -- fingers crossed -- may actually take place this year.



Don't rain on my parade

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/07/2020

» It's a sad twist of fate that as quarantine restrictions have lifted, the rainy season is upon us. There may be many who want to get out and about, perhaps even the introverts like me may want just a tiny bit of socialising. But don't let the rain dampen your mood. If you and your friends want to hang out and have some fun, Guru's got a few fun spots even if it's raining cats and dogs.



Crazy little thing called love

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 14/02/2020

» Happy St Valentine's Day to all celebrating and to those who aren't (you're not really alone with Big Brother watching, are you?). While we'll see a lot of mushy-gushy posts in the next 24 hours and our social media feed flooded by pictures of ladies with chocolates and roses or guys clad in suits ready for dinner dates, there have been plenty of love stories in Thailand that are pretty dang insane. Some are quirky, some are funny, some show the great lengths that people will go for the ones they love. Whatever the case, these are all stories worthy to commemorate St Valentine's Day.



Welcoming a new decade!

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/01/2020

» For those of you who may have missed it, we are in a new decade. Yes, you read that right. No, you are not hallucinating. Yes, we are all old. Welcome to the beginning of the 2020s where films like Back To The Future and Blade Runner are not just classics but the future worlds depicted in them are now effectively in the past; where years like 2050 and 2060 no longer sound ridiculous like they did back in the early 2000s and where those born in 2000 are 20 years old. It's a lot to take in, that's for sure. With every new year also comes the declarations of "New year, new me" posted all over social media and vocally announced at dinner tables everywhere. Resolutions are made and kept for a good two weeks or so before being thrown out the window. So instead of trying to expect things to happen that we aren't even sure will happen, let's take a look at the stuff that we're fairly certain will happen this year. Here's a couple of things to look forward to this 2020.



Monsoon tales

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 13/07/2018

» While the scorching heat of Thailand will always be around, we're now into the season where that would be alleviated with a "bit" of rainfall. Yes, it's rainy season in Thailand, which means an increase in picky taxi drivers, wet floors on the BTS and Minesweeper-like pavements that could spew dirty water on you when you step on them. Despite the great inconvenience it causes, it also results in great stories that shouldn't just be kept to ourselves. Having said that, we asked you, our dear readers, what experiences you've had in the torrential downpour season, and as always, you didn't disappoint. Here are our faves.



Life cycle

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 23/02/2018

» Exercise is considered painful and off-putting for some people. In a city like Bangkok where stress can run high and traffic can eat away at your "me time", people find it hard to put a round in at the gym or are too tired at the end of the day. The cheap food all over the city doesn't help either. But Absolute Cycle is set to change your perspective on exercise with rhythm cycling, a fun and energising way to shed kilos. A special treat for Bangkokians is that Sunny Walters, a New York native who has instructed SoulCycle sessions in the US and has worked as a professional dancer for the likes of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, as well as appearing in the musical film The Greatest Showman, is serving as guest instructor for six months at Absolute Cycle. Guru asked her a few questions on rhythm cycling and what she's looking forward during her time in the City of Angels.



Grownup playgrounds

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/11/2017

» Let's all be honest for a second. This is a safe space. No one's judging anyone. Let's all admit this: when we look at kids' playgrounds, we adults also want in on the action. Who doesn't want to ride down that awesome tube slide? Or get lost in a sea of plastic balls? Or crawl into one of those tunnels? But hey, adults aren't allowed in kids' playgrounds because that's not what grownups are supposed to do -- and yes, the playground would probably not be able to handle an adult's weight. While we do agree that we as grownups shouldn't go playing in kiddie playgrounds, that doesn't mean we shouldn't have playgrounds of our own. This week, we've compiled a number of adult playgrounds (not the kind you're thinking) that we grownups can go to for a bit of fun and excitement.



Musical Intimacy

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 11/08/2017

» If you haven't heard of Sofar Sounds, we don't blame you. It's a community that keeps things on the downlow. Nevertheless, this community is a global one, and it holds gigs in cities like London, Cuba, and New Orleans, amongst many other cities. One of those cities is none other than Bangkok itself, and Guru was able to talk to one of its city leaders, Tom Hetrakul, about Sofar Sounds' recent relaunch.