Search Result for “forests”

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Drone in Chiang Mai helps solve forest carbon capture riddle

AFP, Published on 18/12/2023

» CHIANG MAI: On a hillside overlooking cabbage fields outside the northern city of Chiang Mai, a drone's rotors begin to whir, lifting it over a patch of forest.



Long-reigning Thai and British monarchs shared a bond

AFP, Published on 09/09/2022

» Their ancestors were "royal friends by correspondence" but Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and Thailand's His Majesty King Bhumibol the Great developed a face-to-face bond during their lifetimes.



'Floating temple' in Samut Prakan defies coastal erosion

AFP, Published on 08/04/2019

» SAMUT PRAKAN: As sea waters slowly rose around his temple and his neighbours fled inland, Thai abbot Somnuek Atipanyo refused to budge and is today a symbol of the fight to restore the country's fast-eroding coastlines.



Chinese hunger for durian threatens Malaysian forests

AFP, Published on 06/02/2019

» RAUB, Malaysia: Soaring demand for durians in China is being blamed for a new wave of deforestation in Malaysia with environmentalists warning vast amounts of jungle is being cleared to make way for massive plantations of the spiky, pungent fruit.



Romeo and Juliet last hope to save Bolivian aquatic frog

AFP, Published on 17/01/2019

» LA PAZ: Almost a year after conservationists sent out a plea to help save a species of Bolivian aquatic frog by finding a mate for the last remaining member, Romeo, his very own Juliet has been tracked down deep inside a cloud forest.



Human diet causing 'catastrophic' damage to planet: study

AFP, Published on 17/01/2019

» PARIS: The way humanity produces and eats food must radically change to avoid millions of deaths and "catastrophic" damage to the planet, according to a landmark study published Thursday.



Only known albino orangutan released back into the wild

AFP, Published on 21/12/2018

» JAKARTA: The world’s only known albino orangutan has been released back into the jungle more than a year after she was found emaciated and bloody in a remote corner of Borneo, an Indonesian NGO said Friday.



Myanmar's captured elephants 'die younger' than domestic-born

AFP, Published on 08/08/2018

» PARIS: Asian elephants snatched from the wild and conscripted to haul logs in Myanmar's timber industry live on average five years less than working elephants born in captivity, researchers said Tuesday.


Every birth gives hope for rarest of rhinos in Sumatra's jungles

AFP, Published on 20/12/2016

» WAY KAMBAS NATIONAL PARK, Indonesia - Deep from within the Indonesian jungle a solitary, seldom seen forest giant emerges from the undergrowth.


Smoking chimp from Iraq finds refuge in Kenya

AFP, Published on 09/12/2016

» OL PEJETA, Kenya - Separated from his mother shortly after birth, Manno the chimpanzee was smuggled to Iraq and spent his days smoking cigarettes handed to him by amused zoo visitors and posing for pictures.