Search Result for “financial crisis”

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Bouncing back from job loss (part 2)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 16/09/2020

» In my previous column on Tuesday, I shared with you the first six of 12 recommendations on how you can bounce back after losing your job in a pandemic-plagued, depressed economy. They were as follows:



Building teams that thrive in crisis

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 08/05/2020

» The global Covid-19 pandemic has changed work as we know it. The virus has split up work teams whose members now need to work remotely. Team leaders need to motivate, emotionally support, and effectively manage a physically dislocated team of remote workers.


World economy: Is the pendulum swinging back?

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 12/10/2017

» Around the time we entered the new millennium, humanity moved from information intensification into a new economic age: the age of creation intensification. In the innovation economy, the key competitive advantage of individuals, companies and countries alike is creation -- the ability to use existing and newly emerging theories, know-how and technologies to create novel, original and meaningful value.


From a vision statement to vision scenarios

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 12/05/2016

» What's the corporate vision of your organisation? At Thinkergy, we've always had a clear picture of a compelling future for our innovation company. But due to changes in the wider business environment, our crystal-clear and motivating vision had somehow become hazy, lukewarm and doubtful. So what can we do to retain or regain vision clarity in uncertain times?


Are you committed to innovation in a meaningful way?

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 13/03/2014

» Although many companies talk about the importance of innovation and list it as an important value, few companies in any industry truly walk their innovation talk. The few who do consistently create innovative products and solutions. How can the other companies — those that say they want to innovate, but don’t — become innovative?


Avoiding innovation traps (PART 1)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 14/03/2013

» Let's face it: thinking is hard, tiring and time-consuming. Most people like to work on things that are easy, effortless and fast. It's no wonder that when working on an innovation project, teams tend to take shortcuts, make snap judgements based on their preconceptions and follow loose procedures. Sadly, such sloppy, biased and undisciplined thinking leads to poor results.