Search Result for “farm”

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Let There Be (En) Light (enment)

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 15/07/2014

» Some of you may be feeling like you have to give up your weekend bar-hopping since today is Asarnha Bucha Day and tomorrow is Buddhist Lent Day (never thought these holy days would appear on our sin-filled pages, did you?). Instead of giving you tips for being ordained into monkhood or what kind of animal to release to gain the most merit, we want to help you nurture your spirituality with our selection of peace-loving havens that can be found right here in Bangkok. We also have other cool ways to make merit without having to get up super early to give alms to Buddhist monks. May the inner peace be with you.



Curious cafes

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 02/05/2014

» At your average cafe, you can drink coffee, nibble, socialise, take selfies and whatnot. However, Bangkok is home to some special venues where you can do more than just chillax. This week we searched the city for cafes that offer unique add-ons and experiences. Here are our findings that should pique your curiosity.



Work(shop) IT!

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 14/03/2014

» Since the ability to wiggle your ears or belch really loud doesn’t count as a skill once you pass the age of nine, you may find yourself without many extracurricular activities to put on your resume. With our selection of interesting workshops in Bangkok, we want to encourage you to attain a new passion to enrich your life, make your CV more outstanding, or simply impress a date with.



Productive pursuits

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 07/02/2014

» There are other ways to kill your idle time besides playing FB games or stalking someone on Instagram. We’ve spotted six interesting hobbies in Bangkok that you may not be aware of. Instead of plainly explaining them to you, we present a flowchart to help you figure out which hobby suits you best. Follow the path that most sounds like you, and see your corresponding results in the next pages. Who knows, you may discover a new skill you never knew you had with one of these hobbies.



Recapping 2013

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 27/12/2013

» New Year’s is time to look back at what has happened during the year that is about to pass. The media usually takes this opportunity to do a round-up of memorable moments. As an esteemed publication ourselves, we decided to do our very own recapping of 2013 (and because we’re too lazy to go out and find new stories). The year hasn’t been a thoroughly smooth ride but we were certainly never bored. Bye-bye, 2013!



Get active

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 18/10/2013

» Ademonstration against a controversial dam project in Mae Wong National Park will start at Bangkok Art and Culture Centre tomorrow. The dam plan has been criticised for its lack of transparency, questionable effi ciency in preventing future fl ooding and its threat to irreplaceable trees and wildlife. To deputy PM Plodprasob Suraswadi, forests can be regrown and wildlife bred, but an online petition against the project on has garnered over 113,401 signatures, becoming the biggest campaign of its kind in Asia (who knew that Thais are such environmentalists?!).



Reversing the rot

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 04/09/2013

» When one thinks of Rayong, what are the images that spring to mind? Is it a picture of Sunthorn Phu - the late renowned poet, the province's famous native _ or the outlandish image of petrochemical factories at Map Ta Phut belching fire and smoke?


Wisdom behind the pearls

Life, Yanapon Musiket, Published on 10/04/2013

» Of all exquisite gems, pearls stand out, yet are often underestimated. While other precious rocks, from diamonds to rubies, need man and machine to turn them into sparkling pieces of jewellery, a perfectly round and lustrous pearl is a work of art solely created by nature.


Old village show gets a modern lift

News, Nopparat Kingkaew, Published on 26/01/2013

» Jariang Baroen is still a feast for the eyes and ears for the older generation but time and modernity have caught up with it.


Isolated village reveres hermits

News, Published on 28/04/2012

» A remote Karen village in western Thailand has become the subject of public fascination as a place where numerous hermits dwell.