Search Result for “family members”

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Comfort for the soul

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 05/02/2016

» Dear readers, if you were born in 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986 or 1998 (the Year of the Tiger), read carefully. If you're looking forward to a rosy year ahead, you might be in for a major disappointment. Because 2016 is out to get you. If you scrape your car against a tree, get bitten by a dog, get pooped on the head by a pigeon, or end up on a delayed flight, remember that it might not be a pure coincidence. This year, for you, is filled with predestined mishaps. 



Band of Sisters

Muse, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 26/09/2015

» Not everyone knows the band Yellow Fang, an indie trio that features all female members lithely playing rock instruments along with their drifting vocals. The group has however been gaining steam in Thailand for a while and is also on the horizon of the indie music spheres of Southeast Asia and Japan.



Come fly with us

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 10/04/2015

» Shoshi Bromley-Dulfano was taking a stroll one breezy evening at Sanam Luang when she came across a string of purple kites. To her, they looked like jellyfish suspended in the sky.



Delivering the goods

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 23/03/2015

» Everyday, Montri Chantayingyong, 38, rides more than 100km around Bangkok. He doesn't ride his bicycle for leisure or to explore the city, though, Montri rides for a living. He is the founder of bicycle courier service Bikexenger, and works as a courier himself.



Staying alive

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 23/03/2015

» Last month, Juan Francisco Guillermo, a Chilean cyclist on a 250,000km, around-the-world journey, was killed after being hit by a pickup truck in Nakhon Ratchasima province. One week after the tragedy, members of the Thai Cyclists Network got together in front of Bangkok Art and Culture Centre for a commemorative ceremony. The event saw participants playing dead on the ground to raise public awareness of road safety and the risks faced by cyclists.



Leading by example

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 11/11/2014

» At 8am on a typical school day, children, wearing their national costumes, line up and sing the Thai national anthem as the Thai flag is hoisted. In class, they study every subject in Thai with Thai teachers. At lunch, they enjoy local food. On Teachers’ Day, alumni revisit their teachers, presenting them with a jasmine garland.



The royal running man

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 06/11/2014

» Sa-ing Harnpakhon, a 63-year-old man, has become the country's most beloved uncle after running 550km, from the northern province of Phrae to a self-imposed finish line at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok, to wish His Majesty the King a speedy recovery from his illness.