Search Result for “fail”

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Do you have adequate retirement reserves?

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 10/08/2014

» Following the last Net Worth column, "Boom or bubble?", a number of readers asked questions about their personal situations and whether they had adequate retirement reserves. "Is there a bubble that is about to burst?" was the question that left many believing that they would be personally affected if that were to happen. In that light, if you are currently reliant on income from investments, are your reserves sufficient and should you be moving them to areas where they will be better protected?


Essential insurance planning

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 09/03/2014

» Hoping for the best is not the same as planning for the worst. Making provisions for eventualities that could happen to you is a very serious business.


Young expats need to take an interest

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 27/10/2013

» Financial planning for the young expat _ what does this really mean? The last Net Worth column on this subject stimulated a number of queries. Most of these revolved around the practicalities or creating financial reserves and their use during retirement.


Easing into property-related holdings

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 29/09/2013

» In our last article we looked at alternative investment opportunities available via equities and the S&P 500. This general topic was clearly popular and some readers have asked for more details. Others were keen to explore the possibilities of additional alternative investments. Some want to invest in property assets but do not wish to actually buy the physical asset as they find the cost prohibitive.


Finding safe and sound alternative investments

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 15/09/2013

» Investors' expectations have been reshaped since the turmoil of the 2008 financial crisis. Whereas solid returns from traditional investments were once the norm, today's investor is happy to beat inflation expectations. Finding good opportunities is another matter altogether.


Do you really understand your investments?

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 07/04/2013

» Many expat investors believe they are well informed when in reality they would have a difficult time explaining the risks and opportunities of investments they have made. Why? Do we believe we know it all just because a quick Google search throws up a plethora of information?


Can gold give you shelter from the perfect storm?

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 31/03/2013

» Equities and gold traditionally fare best during inflationary cycles, and the question is when, not if, inflation will emerge again. Current economic wisdom is that fuelling inflation is acceptable to kick-start economies again. So far expats have mainly seen the downsides of monetary policy implementation, ranging from negligible saving rates to home currency devaluations and pension income dilution.


How long will your pension last when you retire?

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 10/03/2013

» We tend to assume that current realities will remain unchanged, yet the only constant is change. Are you comfortable today with what you have, based on current cost of living, exchange rates, inflation and investments? Will your pension last in retirement?


Expats beware: New UK tax residency tests

Spectrum, Andrew Wood, Published on 17/02/2013

» New and complex rules relating to tax residency in the United Kingdom have been proposed. By allowing more specific determination of tax residency, they add clarity but cast the tax net wider. So, who is the beneficiary here: you or the UK taxman?



The power to make a living is priceless

News, Andrew Wood, Published on 11/11/2012

» The power to make a living is priceless. So why are you not protecting it? Perhaps back home these things are taken for granted. As an expat, you are effectively on your own when you live abroad.