Search Result for “fail”

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Take a closer look at diversity

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 23/03/2017

» Society is more complex than it used to be, which has allowed us to enjoy new and exciting experiences. The bad news is that change and complexity have become a never-ending phenomenon. We therefore have to face and handle changing conditions, which includes dealing with constantly moving business targets.



Steps towards change management that works

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 09/03/2017

» Change is impermanence. This is a fact of life that everyone is aware of, but accepting the hard truth is another story. The fact is, human beings are always looking for change, but only as long as it is within the limits of their expectations and desires.



Change is permanent, so get it right

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 01/12/2016

» The business world is a place where change is a fact of life. Corporations earn their living by offering products and services to attract consumers in the hope they will like and regularly consume them. On the other hand, consumers are continuously searching for the latest products to serve their changing needs. This restlessness or dissatisfaction with the status quo leads to high competition among businesses seeking to hold on to their customers.


Turning a technical professional into a people's champion

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 17/11/2016

» In every organisation, there are two types of work. One type requires no specific technical ability, while the other requires specific knowledge in a professional area such as engineering, medical services, architecture, IT or accounting. People who work in these professions have to learn continuously in order to keep up with new knowledge and developments in their field. They also require specific certification of their ability to perform their work.


Three simple steps towards an effective talent programme

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 08/09/2016

» Imagine that you are the CEO of an organisation. Besides business performance, you have to take care of many important people issues, and succession planning for important positions is second to none in this respect. What most top executives and board members often forget or ignore is the importance of participation from all related parties. Everyone wants to have a say in this crucial process. As a CEO, it is your duty to ensure that all the executives concerned are involved.


From leading oneself to leading others effectively

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 13/11/2014

» All of us with any experience working in an organisation have come across challenges in managing people. We all have free will but are bound by the guidelines of our workplace in order to reach departmental and organisational goals. Many of us have learned the best way to stay out of trouble is to focus on task orientation.


Sustainable road to success bears fruit for Thai Nakorn Patana (part two)

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 10/07/2014

» ‘Think carefully if you run a business, because if it’s based on moral practices, business will surely be a success. This is because everyone who works in your organisation will work with a good mindset based on Dhamma and will believe in practising good deeds,” says Supachai Verapuchong, the deputy managing director of Thai Nakorn Patana Co.


Management and mindfulness (Part ONE)

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 28/11/2013

» 'In order for an organisation to be successful and sustainable, leaders must ensure that the people who work for them can be successful first," says Somprasong Boonyachai. "However, even before that, it is my belief that we should not work only for financial benefit. Otherwise, we may start thinking that we do not receive a proper financial return in relation to the effort we put into our work. We should also think of the value [our work] contributes and to whom."


Principle-Centred leader in action (Part 2)

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 14/11/2013

» 'I may be considered a black sheep in the local market since we always do things differently from other local securities firms," says Banyong Pongpanich, the CEO of Kiatnakin Phatra Financial Group.



Recipe for success: Be smart, Be good and be happy

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 05/04/2012

» 'We have come from being a small company to being a global seafood exporter after 34 years in business, and aim to be the 'Chef of the World' providing high-quality and innovative cuisine," says Thiraphong Chansiri, president of Thai Union Frozen Products Plc (TUF).