Search Result for “exchange”

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Creativity in the Year of the Pig

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 01/02/2019

» Chinese New Year on Feb 5 marks the beginning of the Year of the Pig, or to be more precise: the Brown Earth Pig -- sounds like a perfect fit, doesn't it? The pig is the 12th and last animal of the Chinese Zodiac because, according to legend, it finished last in a race of all animals to the Jade Emperor's palace.


Why and how to protect your intellectual property

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 31/08/2017

» In the last column, we discussed how investing in innovation pays dividends, and how much of a premium innovators (and their investors) can enjoy over their less innovative peers. That is, provided they've also secured the intellectual property rights of their innovations.


Understanding the cycles of change using 'TIPS' (Part 1)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 29/09/2016

» Imagine that a time machine took you back a few hundred years to a feudal principality. Upon your arrival, you're randomly assigned to join one of three traditional social groups: farmers, clerics or warriors. If you're lucky, you feel a natural connection with your class and perform well in your new role.


Emerging innovation trends from the US

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 31/03/2016

» I have just returned from a two-week business trip to the United States, where I attended an innovation conference in Boston and met with innovation practitioners in the Minneapolis area. I greatly enjoy such trips as they allow me to notice emerging market trends. What three new developments did I notice?


The secrets of creative genius

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 06/06/2013

» In my last column I discussed five of the techniques I have seen creative geniuses use when coming up with ideas. I have identified more than 60 of these techniques but have space to discuss only five more here. I'll be using the same sample challenge to illustrate them: ''How to introduce myself to others in an impressive, memorable way?'' And when creating ideas, please remember not to censor them. Even the most impractical, ''stupid'' ideas can contain the seed of greatness.


As ye decide, So shall ye innovate (Part 2)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 25/04/2013

» In the last column on April 10, we discussed how an organisation's decision-making processes predict its capacity for innovation. We learned that organisational creativity and innovation tend to thrive in environments with devolved and consensual decision-making, while concentrating decision authority at the top of the hierarchy tends to kill initiative and innovation.