Search Result for “deny”

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Too ambitious

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 20/09/2019

» We are told as children that we must have ambition to make something of ourselves. What we aren't told is that it must have its limits. To be sure, most people are too lazy to make the effort needed to fulfil it. They figure that just getting along is enough. Anyway, they tell themselves that the odds are stacked against them. That those who succeeded did so by cheating or were just lucky.


Food for thought

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 04/11/2013

» So certain was President Obama of the success of the mission that he invited guests to watch a team of US Navy SEALs on live TV fly into Pakistan, where the arch-terrorist Osama bin Laden was hiding, to take him down. There was shooting, bin Laden's death announced, the corpse placed into a body bag and tossed into the helicopter in which the team left the scene.



Crime in the city

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 13/05/2013

» Born in the Big Apple during the Great Depression, I learned a lesson I never forgot: Have nothing to do with the stock market. (My father bought war bonds in WWII). The US _ the world _ economy tanked in 1929 for a dozen years. Frankly, I don't understand financial fluctuations. Obviously, stockbrokers don't either.