Search Result for “court”

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Giving names to the nameless

Life, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 04/10/2016

» Thongchai Winichakul just turned 59 this past Saturday, but the bloodiest moment of his life took place when he was a student 40 years ago. Now a successful scholar, the black hole remains even though he maintains that he has "dealt with that historical trauma" through a mechanism of rationale -- and never vengefulness.



Political fights, human rights

Life, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 26/09/2016

» It's not the cruellest scene from Oct 6, 1976, but cruelty was never in short supply that morning. What Somchai Homla-or experienced is just one of many unfortunate examples that remind descendants and survivors of how ugly mobilised nationalist mobs can turn modern Thai history into a bloodbath.


Love, unshackled

Life, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 05/09/2016

» They're not a Romeo and Juliet couple. But despite the tragic turn of fate, their romance is somewhat the envy of several girls.



Accidental Heroine

Life, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 05/01/2016

» Most people regard Angkhana Neelapaijit as an accidental heroine. She was thrown into the spotlight when her husband, dedicated Muslim human rights lawyer Somchai Neelapaijit, disappeared in a controversial and depressing case that began during the Thaksin Shinawatra administration -- and ended last week when the Supreme Court acquitted five police officers initially suspected of being involved in his disappearance in March 2004.



Speaking for the silent

Life, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 10/12/2015

» Circumstances make heroes and heroines. The more bluntly and bloodily repressive Thai society acts against the exploited and vulnerable, the more people will stand up to help protect the marginalised.



Free bird

Life, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 04/08/2015

» Hers is neither a story of a pretty canary in a cage, nor a Cinderella-like fairy tale of a girl who will soon get rich and find love.



Documenting the eye of the storm

Life, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 21/01/2015

» When 46-year-old Nikolaus Freiherr von Nostitz, better known as Nick, sent emails to his contacts on Dec 20 seeking financial help, some thought it was a scam. Soliciting donations is uncharacteristic of the outspoken but humble Nostitz. For years, people could see that the German was a modest guy who roamed around Bangkok on his decade-old Kawasaki GTO motorcycle to cover the turbulent transformation of Thai politics, from both sides (or more) of the conflict.