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Tips for mastering windy conditions and downhill lies

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 18/09/2024

» When faced with a downhill lie, straighten your downhill leg and flex a little the uphill leg to level the hips. Play the ball back towards your right foot. Sole your club on the ground and square the clubface, whilst aiming to the right to compensate for the inevitable natural flight movement of the ball flying left.



Finding the sweet spot in every swing

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 11/09/2024

» Nothing is better than the feeling of hitting the the ball right in the middle of the clubface, in the golf language we call it the 'sweet spot'. In reality the sweet spot is the 'no roll' spot, where the ball comes off absolutely straight, not spinning to one side or the other. This shot is usually hit accidentally, even though we're trying to do it every time we swing.



Why clubface alignment in swing is the key to accuracy

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 04/09/2024

» As we all know the golf swing looks like one movement, but it's actually made up of many movements all working together. This means that if the clubface is just a little bit off the result is going to grow into a large error by the time the ball comes to rest. If the face is two or three degrees off at impact, the ball will be 20-30 yards off at 200 yards.



Balance matters more than style in golf

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 28/08/2024

» Posing after a good shot is fine to do on the driving range because you should know how it feels. But on the course it doesn't really matter. If you hit a good shot and fall back a little or don't quite hold your balance l feel that this is okay during a round. There's no points for style on the course as the object of the game is getting the ball as close as you can to your target.



Wedge wisdom: Perfecting your pitch and chip skills

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 21/08/2024

» There's no reason why a reasonable golfer should take more than three to get down from 150 yards. If you spend most of your practice time hitting a 7-, 6- or 5-iron whichever you use for a 150-yard shot, you should hit the middle of the green and now and again sometimes the ball will roll up close to the hole and make you look good.



Embrace your style, choose right coach

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 07/08/2024

» You won't learn anything by playing with players who are not as good as you. In competition try to be yourself, don't try to become someone you're not -- in other words if your normal demeanour is loose and joking beware of switching to a serious Ben Hogan type.



Douglas Brasier inducted into Sweden's Hall of Fame

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 24/07/2024

» A good drill for developing the feel for distance is to putt a ball 30 feet. Then putt the next one 29 feet. Then 28 feet, and so on. An average golfer misses short putts because of fear or a lack of concentration. Instead of just stroking the putt into the hole, he or she is thinking about any number of things -- including other players who are watching for the result. Don't guide short putts into the hole, the right way is to approach a short putt from behind and line it up. If you decide it breaks two inches left of the cup, then that's where you want to strike it -- not jerk it into the hole.



Simple tricks to keep your eyes over ball

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 17/07/2024

» Personally, l like a putting stroke that uses the arms and wrists; however, on a very long putt, you will need to use your shoulders and take a longer backswing and follow-through. Play the ball off the left heel and place your feet square to the line.



Focus on the technique, not pressure

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 03/07/2024

» Like chipping, the first fundamental to learn about the putting stroke is to try to keep your hands even with or in front of the head of the putter on the follow through. The putting stroke is an individual matter however, the routine before the ball is struck should be that you read your line from behind the ball. Walk to the ball from behind and take your stance with your hands slightly ahead of the ball or straight up. Look at the hole and look at your putter face to make sure it's square to your line.



Essential chipping tips: Grip, stance, club choice

Sports, Brett Brasier, Published on 26/06/2024

» The first important, foremost fundamental to learn about chipping is to try and keep your hands ahead of or even with the clubhead on the follow-through. Grip down slightly and flex your knees and keep the club near to you, instead of reaching out to the ball and move your weight a little more onto your left foot.