Search Result for “computer crimes”

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Flying poo saga hits home, naughty monk tries out screenshots

News, Mae Moo, Published on 19/05/2024

» Hermit rescued from decrepit room



On the naughty Stephff

Life, Dave Kendall, Published on 07/04/2023

» 'Hard cover. 160 color pages of pure old-fashioned sexism, outrageous political incorrectness and borderline humor with a touch of ugly neocolonialist patronizing that will definitely make this book strictly forbidden in 20 years."



Piecing together a lost night

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 21/01/2022

» Gender inequality, sexual abuse and societal attitudes towards women are common issues in Southeast Asia, yet not many dare to bring such a topic into a story especially those from conservative countries. So to see Indonesian filmmaker Wregas Bhanuteja explore and highlight this in his directorial debut, Photocopier is absolutely a bold move and quite admirable. Although without much information on the film and whether this is based on a real event or not, Photocopier is a gritty, riveting dramatic crime mystery that feels realistic and honest.



At the crossroads of justice and virtue

Life, Chris Baker, Published on 10/07/2020

» The judiciary is the least studied element of the Thai polity. That did not matter much 25 years ago because it played almost no political role. But now the courts bring down governments, exile leaders, dissolve political parties, punish protesters and jail people for thought crimes. This book is long awaited and does not disappoint.



Another miss by Netf  lix

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 12/06/2020

» I'm not afraid of a long story and in fact enjoy long movies if the film is engaging or when there is a payoff. A lengthy movie means there's more room for the filmmaker to add more complexity and character development. I will gladly sit there for three or four hours and love every second of it. But sadly, that's not the case with Netflix's original action/heist thriller The Last Days Of American Crime. During its two hours and 30 minutes, I found myself struggling to finish the film the entire time.



The Future isn't now

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 29/08/2019

» A term I keep encountering is "The Future". You see it on billboards everywhere. Stadiums, department stores, condos, supermarkets, restaurants, theatres, whatever. They eschew the current autos and mobile phones and computers. Space rockets are only a generation or two away.



Weapon of choice

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 25/04/2019

» In my army days, we were issued used M1 rifles. They were heavy and either had hair triggers or they had to be pulled way back before firing, by which time the target had moved.



Nazi zombie mash-up

B Magazine, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 11/11/2018

» Fans of sci-fi wizard J.J. Abrams and his Bad Robot Productions should be delighted, as Overlord -- a movie combining World War II action with zombie horror -- hits Thai cinemas this week.


Warner Bros superheroes swoop into Comic-Con

AFP, Published on 22/07/2018

» SAN DIEGO: Warner Bros closed the final full day of the Comic-Con International fanfest on Saturday as the belle of the ball, bringing its roster of superheroes to take a bow in San Diego.


Quantum thriller

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 02/02/2018

» The upside of the digital age is our ability to contact one another in moments. The downside is our lack of privacy. The powers that be intercept and record our conversations and messages. Our thoughts and expressed feelings are common knowledge to authorities determining whether we are security risks.