Search Result for “cheque”

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A quirky mystery comedy

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 28/07/2023

» I went into Netflix's latest movie They Cloned Tyrone without any expectations, but this turned out to be one of the best original films the platform has come out with this year. The film is a unique blend -- quirky, mysterious and funny. It's a blaxploitation throwback set in modern times with a sci-fi twist and is definitely thought-provoking.



The man behind the icon

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 16/06/2023

» The earliest memory I have of Arnold Schwarzenegger was when he was already a Hollywood action superstar. Movies like The Terminator (1984) and Commando (1985) were big successes that came out at the perfect time when the action genre in Hollywood was switching from typical crime and car chase movies to muscular, Herculean male action heroes. At the time I also knew that Arnie was a successful professional bodybuilder before his acting career, but I hardly knew anything other than that.



10 of the best for Japanese Film Festival 2023

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 08/02/2023

» Japanese Film Festival 2023 marks return of a high-quality showcase and this year features 10 films movie fans shouldn't miss.



Taiwan through the lens

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 04/11/2022

» Last week at SF Cinema MBK and House Samyan, the Bangkok edition of the Taiwan Documentary Film Festival in Thailand 2022 took place. Now it's the turn of film lovers in Chiang Mai, Hat Yai and Songkhla to enjoy the same programme with subtitles in Thai and English. Physical screenings will take place at SFX Cinema Maya (Chiang Mai), Lorem Ipsum (Hat Yai) and A.E.Y Space (Songkhla) from today until Sunday.



Teen angst is back

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 23/09/2022

» Stories about the high school King and Queen, cool kids, outcasts, bullies, romance, friendships or even rivalry never get old in teen movies because there will always be a new generation who appreciate coming-of-age stories. Netflix's latest original Do Revenge is another teen comedy presented on the platform time and time again, like The Kissing Booth series, To All The Boys I've Loved Before (2018) and Tall Girl (2019).



Thai cave rescue revisited

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 31/08/2022

» The historical true events behind Amazon Prime's original film Thirteen Lives are already widely known. Now director Ron Howard is bringing his own version of the chilling human survival drama to the screen.



Spotlight on the classics

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 20/07/2022

» Under the unpredictable Bangkok sky in the late afternoon of last Saturday, I stopped by Vachirabenjatas Park (Rot Fai Park) in Chatuchak district. Even though I haven't visited here for many years, while strolling around, I found this massive park still looks as beautiful as I remember. And despite the hazy skies and uncertainty of rain at any given time, I thought to myself that at least it's still better than being bored sitting on a couch watching a movie at home.



Sandler's Hustle is a Euro step redemption tale

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 17/06/2022

» Whether it's because he has reached a saturation point with goofy comedies, or because he's too old to lead a romantic comedy, in the past few years, Adam Sandler has turned to more mature, dramatic roles. If you've seen his ventures into indie films like Punch-Drunk Love (2002), The Meyerowitz Stories (2017) or more recently Uncut Gems (2019), you'll notice that Sandler has a dramatic side to him that's surprisingly impressive. Now Sandler's back with another dramatic turn in Hustle, a Netflix sports drama where he plays a basketball scout looking for the next great player. Hustle feels like Jerry Maguire meets Rocky. It is a heartfelt, uplifting underdog movie that also serves as a love letter to the NBA.



A disjointed effort

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 04/03/2022

» 'A storm in a teacup" is probably the proper word to sum up Restless (Sans Répit), a new French crime thriller. It's a story in which the main character gets involved in an unfortunate accident and causes trouble. Although a problem may seem minor initially, when trying to fix it, things escalate to the point of chaos. Like the Coen brothers' Burn After Reading (2008), which had a premise of fake blackmailing that turns into senseless murders, Restless is similar but has more action and thriller elements. While some may enjoy the action and tension these situations create, a lack of character development and predictable storyline makes movies like Restless less memorable than they should.



A new generation slasher

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 15/10/2021

» Recycling stories isn't new but common practice in Hollywood. However, it seems to be the main focus of Netflix lately, especially in the horror genre as some of these movies don't bring anything new to the table. For example, Stranger Things is almost a carbon copy of Stephen King's novels and a few months ago, the Fear Street trilogy reintroduced Gen Z to the teen slasher genre, which was popular back in the 1980s and 1990s, but it too fell short of developing an identity of its own.