Search Result for “cheque”

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Plant power

Guru, Kankanok Wichiantanon, Published on 19/02/2021

» Back in the day, being vegan was difficult and most food was limited to vegetables or soy products. However, with more and more people adopting a vegan lifestyle, the tables have turned and the market is full of vegan substitutes for everyday food like spreads and cheese made of plant milk. Guru lists a few vegan alternatives for products typically made using dairy and eggs, even sodas!



Celebrate the Year of the Ox

Guru, Kankanok Wichiantanon, Published on 05/02/2021

» Kick off your CNY celebrations by taking a jolly stroll through the attractions that have been set up to commemorate it. Guru has compiled a list of them, along with other top new year-themed activities.



Pocket mythical pets

Guru, Kankanok Wichiantanon, Published on 29/01/2021

» Himmapan Marshmallow is made up of the cute illustrations of Thai mythical creatures by illustrators and cartoonists, becoming the viral inspiration of many "fan art" and spin-off ideas.



Mind matters

Guru, Kankanok Wichiantanon, Published on 15/05/2020

» Mental health issues are real. If you find yourself struggling with acute stress, tension, anxiety or depression, do not wait until you can't handle it any longer. It's time to seek professional help, or take action to improve your health. Here are a few resources to guide you.



Room service

Guru, Kankanok Wichiantanon, Published on 01/05/2020

» With everyone adapting to the new norm, hotels have had to reimagine the services they provide. Thinking well outside the box has become an important prerequisite, not just to generate revenue, but also to comfort and soothe the safety-conscious, yet still discerning guests. Guru lists a few examples of the innovative measures.



Home improvement

Guru, Kankanok Wichiantanon, Published on 17/04/2020

» There are many services and products that we are used to using outside our homes, which we no longer have access to. However, people adapt to changes and most of those services and products can be enjoyed in the comfort of the great indoors. They include absolute essentials, such as hardware needed for work and items to entertain yourself like VR headsets, as well as beauty services. Guru has listed a few such things.



Pad KaPOW!

Guru, Kankanok Wichiantanon, Published on 06/12/2019

» Say pad kaprao and one is filled with warm, nostalgic thoughts. Although pad kaprao is a simple dish, there is more to it than what is typically found at street food stalls. These days, there are many eateries shining a spotlight on this national treasure and transforming it with every imaginable ingredient you can think of. Here's where to find them.