Search Result for “certified”

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Hong Kong suicide rate for children under 15 hit historical high last year

Published on 11/09/2022

» HONG KONG: The suicide rate of children under the age of 15 hit a historical high in Hong Kong last year with 11 young people taking their lives, an increase that experts partially attributed to learning disruptions caused by class suspensions due to the Covid-19 pandemic.



Removing 'camouflage,' Brazil football referee comes out

AFP, Published on 12/08/2022

» BELO HORIZONTE (BRAZIL) - Growing up, he never liked football, but Igor Benevenuto played it anyway to avoid being teased with homophobic jokes -- something all too common in his hometown in southeastern Brazil.



State-funded hard drugs hit streets

Sunday Spotlight, Published on 07/08/2022

» The place where Chris gets his fentanyl is bright and airy, all blond wood and exposed brick. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable about the potency of the pills he can crush, cook and inject.



The lighter side of the war

Sunday Spotlight, Published on 24/07/2022

» Some morsels of news are so grim and absurd that they sound like they were conceived in the warped imagination of bored satirists. Like the headline from Belarus a few weeks ago, reporting that 10th graders there were being taught how to aim rifles -- using shovels.



Failed Autopsies, False Arrests

Sunday Spotlight, Published on 03/07/2022

» Emberly McLean-Bernard, born six weeks premature in rural Mississippi, weighed less than 2.2 kilogrammes when doctors sent her home. She did not cry and barely ate, her mother said, and not two days elapsed before she began to gasp for breath. Jocelyn McLean rushed her daughter to the nearest emergency room, but the baby was already turning blue.



Trump election plot would have spurred 'revolution': ex-judge

AFP, Published on 17/06/2022

» WASHINGTON - A retired federal judge testified Thursday that Donald Trump's demand for Mike Pence to reject the results of the 2020 US election would have triggered a "revolution" had the vice president obeyed.


Singapore consumers and businesses brace for chicken ban

Published on 31/05/2022

» Singapore businesses and consumers are rushing to figure out how to cope with Malaysia’s impending halt of some chicken exports.



Philippine election winner Marcos visits dictator father's grave

AFP, Published on 11/05/2022

» MANILA: Ferdinand Marcos Junior visited the grave of his dictator father hours after his thumping victory in the Philippine presidential election, his team said Wednesday, posting photos of the intimate moment on social media.



Elon Musk says he would lift Twitter ban on Trump

AFP, Published on 11/05/2022

» SAN FRANCISCO: Elon Musk on said Tuesday that as owner of Twitter he would lift the ban on Donald Trump, contending that kicking the former US president off the platform "alienated a large part of the country".



Philippine dictator's son wins landslide presidential victory

AFP, Published on 10/05/2022

» MANILA: The son of late Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos cemented a landslide presidential election victory Tuesday, as Filipinos bet on a familiar dynasty to ease rampant poverty -- dismissing warnings the tarnished clan will deepen corruption and weaken democracy.