Search Result for “cars”

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Taliban suicide bomber wave kills 74

Associated Press, Published on 18/10/2017

» KABUL: The Taliban unleashed a wave of attacks across Afghanistan on Tuesday, targeting police compounds and government facilities with suicide bombers in the country's south, east and west, and killing at least 74 people, officials said.



Deadly and vast California wildfires could gain momentum

Associated Press, Published on 12/10/2017

» SONOMA, California: Wildfires already well on their way to becoming the deadliest and most destructive in California history could gain momentum Thursday and erase even the modest gains firefighters have made.



Killer wildfires spread quickly in northern California

Associated Press, Published on 11/10/2017

» SANTA ROSA, California: An onslaught of wildfires across a wide swath of Northern California broke out almost simultaneously then grew exponentially, swallowing up properties from wineries to trailer parks and tearing through both tiny rural towns and urban subdivisions.


Five killed, dismembered on outskirts of Mexico City

Associated Press, Published on 06/10/2017

» MEXICO CITY: Prosecutors on the outskirts of Mexico City say they are investigating threats written on a sign left with the bodies of five people.



70% 'not afraid of robots taking jobs'

Business, Associated Press, Published on 06/10/2017

» WASHINGTON: Most Americans believe their jobs are safe from the spread of automation and robotics, at least during their lifetimes, and only a handful says automation has cost them a job or loss of income.



Toyota ends production Down Under

Business, Associated Press, Published on 04/10/2017

» SYDNEY: After looming for four years, "Carmageddon'' has hit the Australian auto industry.



Spanish police fire on separatist voters, 460 injured

Associated Press, Published on 01/10/2017

» BARCELONA: Spanish riot police smashed their way into polling stations in Catalonia and fired rubber bullets Sunday at protesters outside one Barcelona polling station to try to halt a disputed independence referendum.



Ferrari's Raikkonen retires from Malaysian GP

Associated Press, Published on 01/10/2017

» SEPANG, Malaysia: Ferrari's woes continued with Kimi Raikkonen retiring before the start of Sunday's Malaysian Grand Prix and teammate Sebastian Vettel starting from the back of the grid after engine problems on Saturday.



A stunned Puerto Rico seeks to rebuild after Hurricane Maria

Associated Press, Published on 21/09/2017

» SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico: Tens of thousands of Puerto Ricans stunned by a hurricane that crushed concrete balconies, twisted metal gates and paralyzed the island with landslides, flooding and downed trees vowed to slowly rebuild amid an economic crisis as rescue crews fanned out across the US territory Thursday.



Killer Maria slams Puerto Rico: Direct hit, lights out

Associated Press, Published on 21/09/2017

» SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico: The strongest hurricane to hit Puerto Rico in more than 80 years tore off roofs and doors, unleashed heavy flooding and brought down cell towers and power lines Wednesday in an onslaught that could deepen the island's financial crisis.